Ms. Stevenson

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The story was not exactly to my taste but I have read previous episodes and I am extremely sorry to see the author has pulled it from BC. I think that there should be room for stories of all kinds of TG genres at this site.


There IS Room!

And it makes me madder than **** that stories get pulled because of certain people that like to enrage authors - creating a tense argument that results in the author leaving bcts, rage quitting etc. The only legitimate view in my eyes to pull any story would be for publishing it. BCTS has room for all stories, even less popular genres. There are extreme limits as to why admins may pull a story because of deplorable things (such as graphic underage sex with an adult, graphic gruesomely drawn out murder scenes - junk you can find elsewhere on the web) As far as I am aware, I don't believe we have ever pulled a story on those grounds. We only pull stories at the author's request. The stories are and always remain the authors property. While I dislike having stories disappear, it happens. If they get published, Ill buy a copy because I do support our authors. But I prefer paper or hardback copies to kindle .azw's myself. I like something to read when power goes out for long periods of time.

One view that I have and would like re-installed is a perma block filter, like the one we had from 2011-2012 on Drupal 6 to permablock anything posted from a certain person so only everything else would display on your screen. This feature would save admins trouble and time with arguments. We had this feature once and I feel it needs to be inserted into our Drupal 7 code immediately. That way people who do not like others harassing them or their comments will not be able to see anything posted by the said blocked person - be it stories, blogs, comments, twitches etc. I would also like to add to, that anyone caught making any secondary or other account to bypass the block in order to harass someone should be permabanned from bcts for life.

This is a worthy feature, one to end most of all the fights that are now occurring on the front page and behind the scenes. I'd rather have this than authors fleeing BCTS and erasing their material all because of some agitators that refuse to quit harassing authors.


I have always thought of BCTS as a refuge.....

D. Eden's picture

A quiet place where I could be myself, where I could escape from the real world for a short time, a comfortable room where I could relax and share time with my friends. Unfortunately, it seems that to some that is not true; apparently, some of the lower life forms have intruded even here in this peaceful space.

One of the things that we in the western world enjoy, one of the things that I pledged my body and soul to defend and protect, one of the things which I have been privileged to know my entire life, is the right of freedom of expression. Thousands of young people have given their lives, and perhaps even more importantly their souls to protect this. I salute my fellow members of the military here in the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and the rest of those countries which have stood by our sides throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.

In the same breath, I condemn those who have intruded here into this haven and have disrupted our sanctuary - who have stripped our safety and security by forcing their simple mindedness and prejudices upon other members of this community.

Yes, their are stories here that I don't like or approve of; yes, their are authors whose work I am not happy with. But then again, I am not forced to read that work; I am not forced to absorb their ideas or concepts. And while I may in fact deplore what some have written, I will always step up and defend their right to express themselves.

Even here in this refuge, there are rules of conduct. Rules which are administered capably by staff in my honest opinion. Rules which do in fact endeavor to protect the rest of us from the extreme thoughts of others. By joining this community, we agree to abide by those rules, and as such we must trust in those who administer them to do their jobs properly. If anyone determines that, in their opinion, this is not being done, then as in any free society those individuals have the right to leave.

This group, this community, above all others, should be understanding of our fellows. We few who live our lives with the pain and suffering that is inflicted on us by the rest of the world - and in no small measure by ourselves, should be most sympathetic to the feelings of our fellow travelers. We have different political opinions, we may live in different areas of the world, we may have varying economic situations and philosophies, but we share a common bond - and that above all else should lead us to compassion for others.

One thing I have learned in my half century of life is that some people will never be able to see beyond their own selfish needs and opinions. That is their failing - but it is also their God given right, and yes, as much as I may loathe those people, I will still stand up and defend their right to be assholes. I can not do otherwise and remain true to my self and my honor.

However, with the same breath which I use to defend their rights, I would shame their actions and cry out for their removal from this community.

To the person or persons who perpetrated this sad situation, I say stay with us if you wish, but learn to live and let live. If you can not do that, if you are not happy with what you see and read here, if you can not pass by those stories which you do not like, then leave and never darken our doorway again. But either way learn some tolerance for others.

To my friends here, I apologize for preaching this morning.


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Okay, the Reason Jodie Anderson pulled

her story had nothing to do with harassment. I am not allowed to say anything further on the matter. Ms. Anderson will have explain her reasoning to others herself. You can PM Jodie Anderson here and lets hope she will stop by and see your PM's to her. Perhaps a well written message might entice her to repost her stories and write here again.


I think it was a "taste" thing.

The story wasn't getting much interest. No harm there--readers just didn't like it. It wasn't the first time, and it won't be the last for me as a writer. One of my main reasons for posting stories is to get feedback (another is the hope that others enjoy the story I present). If no one seems that interested I will always move on to posting/testing other ideas and stories.

I've had a bunch of duds lately, but I won't give up. That being said, I'll probably stick to posting short stories and ideas at BC from here on out. We'll see how it goes.

As for the rest of the Mysterious Ms. Stevenson, I'll probably post it all at once somewhere for free (if I ever get the guts) or on Amazon for a limited group of friends.
