Frozen in the northeast

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For the past four days work has taken me to the New England states. And during that entire time the temperature never got above the mid-twenties. I must have become a real wimp over the last few years living in the South. The next time I head north during the winter months I’m buying heavy weight winter tights, turtle neck leotards, and thermal over the knee socks or anything that will keep you warm. (Burr!) The truly sad thing is I no sooner get home to South Carolina than an artic freeze is pushing its way south. Can’t a sister get a break?!

Freezing in South Carolina


We take the heat the get the cold

MadTech01's picture

The people up north get the Cold Weather in Winter and not kill me heat in Summer as I have been told.

Where as where I live in Texas we get high heat and killer humidity in the Summer, and most of the time I ask did winter even come this year.
I went to Vegas one summer in July, it was 115 degrees F and people were walking along the sidewalk looking like they were going to keel over from the heat, my comment was what heat this weather is great all dry heat no humidity.

As the saying goes "Texas has two season, Summer and South of Hades."

So we are acclimated to high heat and no sub freezing winters, As I like to say its easier to put cloths on than take them of, because after a point taking clothes off has the opposite desired effect.

"Cortana is watching you!"

I know Texas heat

wolfjess7's picture

I was stationed at Ft Bless for two years, and you're right "Texas has two season, Summer and South of Hades."

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf


We've had a pretty decent winter all told here in the mountains of Kentucky this year, more above average days than below. Right now we're having it pretty rough, it's 17 outside presently and we're forecast to get down to around 6 Sunday night. I used to be able to take the cold and work out in it when needed but not any longer. Our usual weather is a fairly harsh winter and an almost unbearably humid hot summer. Thankfully this winter has been kind to my fuel oil supply but harsh on my wood supply. lol I WILL have a lot more wood stockpiled next winter that's for sure.

Our high on Friday......

D. Eden's picture

Is only supposed to be 7F, while tonight's low is going to be about -15F with a windchill in the neighborhood of -30F.

The same for Friday night, then warm up to about 20F on Saturday with more snow, then down below zero F for Sunday's high temp.

I find that since I passed about 35 that my patience with cold weather has disappeared. Although I am able to tolerate it very well, I absolutely hate it.

Color me southbound.


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus


We in Czech republic have april winters - at time it´s cold as -25°C (commonly about -5 to -10, sometimes there are places as cold as -42°C), other times it´s almost a spring (last year it did not go under 5°C) XD. But we take it mostly with humor. There is even really popular song about it:
Children enjoy it, adults (car drivers) hate it.

I would have LOVED to be able to understand the singer

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

There are very few places as large as Winnipeg which have winters as wintery(?) as we do. Last year, the winter of 2013/2014, was the longest, coldest winter on record. This winter is positively balmy by comparison, and yet we still seem to have more days where the temperature is 5ºC and more colder than historical average than not. And Dallas, I agree with you, as I've gotten older I've gotten MUCH less accustomed to the cold than before. (Though it took me until my mid-fifties to really glomm onto that fact. I guess I might just be a little 'slower' than you?)

with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.

Sounds like me.

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

Legging over heavy fleece tights(or tight fit thermals) under jeans. Three pairs of socks one usually knee-socks. Three top layered tops to start one usually a thermal, then an outer top layer, hoody sweatshirt or sweater(or sometimes another over sized thermal). This is just for indoors.

Outdoors I add layered multiple lined hoodies(up to 4) of larger sizes and at times a coat or jacket over all. Hat, ear muffs, neck gaiter and/or scarf, two pairs of gloves, plus sometimes a face mask. For foot wear, boots or one size larger sneakers with a forth pair of socks.

So you are not the only one who gets cold.
And I have lived in the northern part of the US (NY) all my life.
Layering works great, I find it often works better then proper a winter outfit.
Maybe I took it a bit far though.

Keep warm,
~Hypatia >i< ..:::

Yes it is Frozen and just getting worse

Yes it is frozen and getting worse up here all the time. Another foot of snow this weekend and more next week on top of that. I hope the white stuff goes away soon myself. As I do not have the funds right now to buy more clothes to keep up with the layers I need at this point.

I live an hour by Commuter Rail north of Boston in Lowell Right now. Starting on the 23rd, I will have to take the train round trip everyday for a month or two, for my new job, I just got for the City of Boston.

So I hope by the 23rd the train, buses and subway are working better than they have been. As the MBTA system has been a mess and a nightmare for the last few weeks, due to the weather.

I think the mayor

rebecca.a's picture

I think Walsh has officially given up on the MBTA. Or they've given up on him.

Seriously, it's not like snow is a new thing here. Surely they can do better.

not as think as i smart i am


I hear you on the arctic blast, I don't think it made it over 45 today here in the Holy City...

Around here that's parka weather...



You live in Rome? Or Mecca?

You live in Rome? Or Mecca? Maybe Jeruselem?

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Holy City

Nope, Charleston. It is known as "The Holy City" due to the sheer number and density of churches. Given the history of the place I suspect that is at least partly tongue in cheek.

Rome, Georgia is a bit colder than we are...

Rome(The Italian one) is pretty close to the same latitude though...



Global warming... :-)

I wish we had global warming.. Florida is cold tonight and I think New Englanders would love to see 30 degree weather...

Will someone tell me how cold weather is the result of Global warming....

TGSine --958

Name changed

Officially, Global Warming got changed to drop warming and uses Climate Change now. I can remember back in the 70's that the catchphrase was that by 2015 we would be in an Ice Age caused by man.

By global climate records, we

By global climate records, we're actually slightly overdue for another ice age. warm periods are something like 15,000 years, and then ice ages of about three times that length, if I recall correctly.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Time had a cover on the coming Ice Age in the 70s

I can remember back in the 70's that the catchphrase was that by 2015 we would be in an Ice Age caused by man.

I saw a Time cover from the 70s that had talking about a coming ICE dad, a nuclear scientist, said that they can't predict 3 days in advance, so global warming/ice age is NOT man made...

TGSine --958

I believe the catch phrase in

I believe the catch phrase in the 70's and 80's was "nuclear winter", because of the idea that nukes might fly all over the place, and put up enough particulates in the air to drop the average temperature to extremes.

Of course, that neglects the fact that nuclear weapons don't really work like that, and it takes a lot more than we could put out to cause a long term climate change. For example, the Mount Saint Helens explosion was approximately 24 megatons of explosion, and drove ash and particulates straight out into the air (Not straight up, as I recall). Nukes tend to go along the ground. The mexico eruption of Pinatubo in 1991 was estimated at 70 megatons. (This is explosive force of TNT equivalent, not the volume/weight of crap thrown in the air). The Phillipine eruption gave wonderful sunsets and apparently cooler years for five years. Krakatoa caused "The Year There Was No Summer". Thera was the equivalent, estimated, of several _hundred_ nukes going off in seconds.

Basically - volcanoes throw enormous amounts of ash and gas into the air - Pinatubo had clouds 200 miles across. Nukes tend to just cause blast damage, and throw surface crap in the air. So, if you planted a few hundred of them underground, then set them off to throw junk in the air, yes, you could cause a nuclear winter. Just dropping them on cities won't do it.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Snow in Cambridge

rebecca.a's picture

Every time I get the sidewalk clear it seems I hear about another 8" on the way... Apparently it's going to snow more tomorrow and Sunday.

I'm as feminist as the next 43 year old divorcee, but there are times I'd really enjoy the division of the sexes where there was a man around to take care of things like this. Not that my ex ever did - his idea was to pay the kids next door. Sadly none of my current neighbors have kids that are old enough.

I guess it beats going to the gym. :)

not as think as i smart i am

I was just in south Carolina

I was just in south Carolina now up in Ohio weather is bad all over think I want summer here ,at least in June I go on a cruise it will be nice to get out of the weather and this truck hope all went well for your job