Zeki Muren

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The BBC has a piece on Zeki Muren

He was an openly gay icon and singer in Turkey. He was also very flamboyant with the costumes he wore including to be (perhaps) the first man to wear a mini-skirt on stage.
He died in 1996 and the article is related to an exhibition of his work in Istanbul.


Shia Muslim?

Wasn't he actually TG? I think he might have been the person who approached the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran with an appeal for acceptance as a woman? Things were not very good in the Muslim world for gay folk. Perhaps he feared being executed for being gay? His approach to the Ayatollah was novel in that when the guard opened the door to the cleric's home, he threw his shoes in the door. Apparently it is a custom there that if a supplicant does this then the Cleric is bound by custom to speak to him.