The side effects of vaccines

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The following, culled from FB, must be a medical and psychological breakthrough, huh?

vaccines cause TVism.jpg

Apparently, the author of this truly believes that statement!


What vaccines?

Gee, do you think they can retro-actively change sexual development?

While this guy (I assume, perhaps I should have used "person") sits in prison patting themselves on the back for "protecting" his/her kid, I wonder who will continue protecting them? The other cult members, perhaps?

Carla Ann


What is he even talking about Vaccines save life by preventing diseases . I don't think it would have anything to do with how an Embryos brain is wired.

floridation is another culprit

laika's picture

Did you ever notice that the women's and gay liberation movements began just a few years after they started adding fluoride to the water supply? How's that for your postwar commie conspiracies, Mandrake? Combined with various forms of indoctrination they've been effectively using these substances to erode the masculine vitality of this once great nation for years. All right thinking Americans must resist these attempts to SAP AND IMPURIFY OUR PRECIOUS BODILY FLUIDS!

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Don't forget the pink radiation emitter

they found in that craft near Roswell. Reliable reports tell us it's a very lucky thing that some brave scientists were able to study it up close and find the on/off switch. Unfortunately further research on the device was cancelled after all three scientists became pregnant and had to be retired quietly. Locals living in the area insisted that shortly after the craft was discovered, there was a short-lived population explosion in the jackrabbit population. It was claimed to be short-lived because the remaining males died of exhaustion.

Quite Right Too

joannebarbarella's picture

It is criminal to inoculate against smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, TB, whooping cough and other diseases. Letting children die is far more sensible. Then they won't survive long enough to do something stupid like putting on dresses.


This made my day. So darn stupid it's funny. The scientist in me says that parents like this shouldn't inoculate their offspring... it makes it less likely that their genes will survive to breeding age. Harsh? sure... but maybe eventually stupidity can be bred out of humanity this way.

Hey, I'm an optimist.

On a more real note: those poor kids, having to deal with parents like this.


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