Anyone here have a PS4?

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I was just wondering if anyone here has a Playstation 4 and is playing Far Cry 4 yet? Definitely enjoying it, especially some of the animal elements. Throwing bait at the enemies to get any variety of animals to go after them. Snow Leopard, Bhole, bear, etc. :D
You definitely have to show some stealth in this game but I always like a challenge in that respect.



I missed the point entirely! When I read PS4, I thought back to the IBM PS-2's, and wondered if there ever was a PS-4. So I had to read to see if someone was restoring, for whatever reason, some really obscure piece of equipment. :D

Carla Ann


Can't afford one, no matter how bad I want it. Far cry 4 is one of those games I'd want it for. Lucky stiff.


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stealth games

If you want to play stealth games, should try some that actually have great quality like Deus Ex, Hitman and Thief series. On consoles then Metal Gear Solid. I think, those all are better games. Hidden gem is then No One Lives Forever

I'll have one eventually

But not until I get a WiiU and PS3 first!

Far Cry 4 looks... well, it looks better than Far Cry 2 (though that's not saying much,) but the palette looks very muted in comparison to Far Cry 3, and I'm not sure I like that.

When I get a PS4, I'm actually more looking forward to games like Little Big Planet 3 and Knack, personally. I've got a decent gaming PC, so if I want shooty-shooty bang-bang games I'll play them there, with REAL controls (AKA keyboard and mouse.)

Melanie E.

And to first commenter: when it comes to restoring old components, I've built a board and am working on AV modding an old four-switch vader model Atari 2600 with composite cables in replacement of the original RF out. How's THAT for old school?

game systems

No that is next on my list but I have xbox, xbox 360, xbox one, ps 1, ps2, p3, wii, wii u, gamecube, sega saturn, nintendo 64, sega genesis, psp, nintendo ds, nintendo 3ds, IPAD 3, two laptops, hp stream 7 windows tablet, samsung galaxy s5 phone. Now I just need to get the ps4 and the new alienware console.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.


What no 3do? heathen slacker.


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no 3do

But I used to use a hardware card to play them on my pc. I also want a neo geo console but first I need to replace to my steel battalion controllers.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.


You don´t have greatest console ever created? x86 IBM PC? XDDD


I'm over 60, and have no idea what half that stuff is, nor what it does. I still use an old PDA that was given to me to save stuff onto an SD card to carry around and read on it. And I had to have that explained to me. My old desktop died and a friend got me stuff to put together a new one finally. I almost cried when I found it it would not accept stuff I would still use on a daily basis, and they don't even make a motherboard to accept half what I wanted to include in the tower. Progress, my butt, built in obsolescence more like, (like me) to make people spend even more money for stuff that will be no good in a couple of months. The disposable society. Pardon my rant but the first part still fits.

what is sad about getting one now

MadTech01's picture

Nintindo is already talking about releasing a replacement for the Wii U, and microsoft because of the management and release cluster F*** with the XBoxOne is already talking about a replacement console as well. they are both hot to release something else to get the bad taste out of their moths.

Nintindo wants the hardware capability of the PS4 and XBoxOne, and microsoft wants a fresh start with customers after all the bad pre-release decisions they made with the E3 anouncements.

"Cortana is watching you!"

Funny thing about that raith...

is in the gamer community, the press microsoft got with xbox1 is exactly the kind of press that doesn't ever go away. It doesn't matter how much bending backwards microsoft does from this point on, they will always be the one company that wanted to shaft their customers just to be jerks. It's called "xbone" for a reason after all, the invasive tech is actually still in the machine, ready to be activated at any time....

As for Nintendo, they are almost dead. They always seem to release way too early, with machines that are obsolete well before they are out of the design stage. You can't keep doing that forever.


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Sony had a hand in that.

MadTech01's picture

if you can still get your hands on pre E3 information, you will see that the info coming out of Sony on what they were going to do was the same.
Microsoft saw what Sony was going to do and decided like idiots to change course to the same direction. But then at E3 Sony pulled a 180 degree turn and released their actual plans or at least quick plan change after seeing the reaction Microsoft got at its E3 announcement. did you not notice how unfinished and polished Sony's announcement was. So I think Microsoft learned a lesson think for your self don't react to what your competitor is acting like they will do just because it looks extra profitable. They learned quick and hard if you make things easier for the customer and more appealing everything else falls in place. they had to look at what made the original XBox and XBox360 successful and go back to their roots. And if they really take the lesson to heart people will forget because the populace on mass, how shall I say this has very short term memory these days. And don't forget that Microsoft has a less single minded CEO now. he will probably act like Bill Gates more in his decission making. If Nintendo needs a boost Microsoft will probably though money at them just to keep the market interesting, just like when Apple was faltering they bought part of the company so they could do that and there is a long history of Microsoft propping up competitors to keep the Anti-Trust people at bey. So don't be surprised if they do that with Nintendo just to keep them afloat. besides Nintendo would make a killing if they got out of the console market and switched to game publisher like Sega did.

"Cortana is watching you!"

Sure raith

Of course, but it's all part of the games the big boys play. Meanwhile, the hardware involved in hosing the consumer... exists in the xbone, and doesn't exist in the ps4. One wonders if they were simply playing a massive rope-a-dope, which is what I think happened.

And microsoft needs less Bill gates like CEO's, not more. Let's not forget all the industrial espionage, outright theft, and pushing through of products no one wants filled with bugs that make them unusable. Bill is hardly the saint of the CEO world. The reason Microsoft gave Apple cash when it was struggling was to avoid monopoly laws. The reason Apple was failing in the first place was because Bill ripped them off.

No need to do that with Nintendo, after all, Sony isn't going anywhere.


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actually they both ripped off someone else.

MadTech01's picture

Steve Jobs copied the GUI from Xerox, and when Bill saw what it did for apple did the same thing and copied the source as well, but instead of making he computers he licensed it to computer makers around the world. Yes Bill made bad calls on software implementation, he was good at business not programming. heck he started the Xbox division because he saw a market that could be profitable. and when he handed things over to balmer they went downhill fast. Balmer had no vision so was late to a lot of things. he let a cash cow of the Xbox division flounder about like a fish out of water. the new guy is thinking smart. he has opened office up too all the operating systems he can, and he has put a hard core gamer minded person in charge of Xbox again.
and Xbox does not have much of a hold in Japan, they are very loyal to Sony and Nintendo. So if Nintendo is dying Microsoft would most likely through them a life line. because keeping Sony off its game benefits them. So if giving Nintendo money allows them to recover all the better besides Nintendo is all about getting there games to sell on there hardware and third party developers are not as welcome anymore. Also if you have not noticed for an example when AT&T tried to buy T-mobile in the USA it was blocked because of monopoly laws. So the government does not feel 3 competitors would be enough it needs to stay at least at 4 for them.

"Cortana is watching you!"

A replacement 3DS is closer on the horizon

but the WiiU is actually doing better for Nintendo now, what with them being the only company putting out much in the way of exclusives worth playing (Little Big Planet 3 being the exception.)

I see a lot of people complain about Nintendo's outdated hardware, but with the possible exception of the N64 their hardware has never led the curve in terms of power or capability: they've always survived based on the quality and variety of software on offer, and the unique tech innovations in control they've brought on nearly every generation. The NES was the first console released with a D-pad; the SNES introduced the most industry-defining control layout ever, which is still emulated by every console to this day: the N64 brought analog controls and rumble to the fore. The GameCube didn't do much to innovate, admittedly, but its controller is still said to have one of the best analog sticks of any console ever made, and the layout is considered one of the easiest to master based on tactile feel. Then the Wii and Wii U both changed the game completely....

Microsoft is considering selling or even shutting down the entire Xbox division of the company. Sony is in the throes of collapse, and despite having without argument the best console of this generation in terms of performance is unlikely to survive to create another generation of hardware. Meanwhile Nintendo is, well, Nintendo, and doing about as well on the books as they have since the N64 era -- not the top runners in the industry, but holding a significant market share as a secondary console with a library full of unique exclusives. Combine that with their continuing stranglehold on the dedicated handheld market, and Nintendo is the only one of the big three console producers who will likely be around to produce another generation of console to begin with.

You want reliability in terms of gaming, you go PC. It's really the only platform at this point that has a strong future, and even though I've given up hope on the Steambox initiative, I still firmly believe that the next generation of home consoles will simply be off the shelf components put together with a standard in mind to help normalize the PC gaming benchmark. As is, my gaming PC from 2012 arguably outperforms the current-gen consoles in most games despite costing only marginally more to build. I grew up with consoles, and I still love them and the entire culture surrounding them: it's very different than the same culture on PC. But, even as gaming itself becomes more and more ingrained in society, the console itself, I feel, is only another five to ten years away from going the way of the dodo.

Melanie E.

the funny thing about xbox?

MadTech01's picture

they are planning on making a version of the windows 10 operating system to replace their current OS on the Xbox One. the question is if they will make it where all xbox games run on all windows platforms with the disk. Microsoft is throwing money at Xbox again, the company that has one of the largest R&D budgets in existence is going to start throwing there weight around again. The new head of the Xbox division also wants to reserct its place in the game market place. there is talk of self publishing xbox games again for smaller studios with great concepts and ideas so they can make a great triple-A tittle that by them selves would not have the resources to do. basically he is trying to get them to do everything that they did right in the previous generations that they stopped doing. heck look at the aquisition of Mojang they are going to start investing in content again.

"Cortana is watching you!"


Not quite; yes they both ripped off some code from xerox; but Bill actually hired a person to get hired at Apple and feed him intel and code. He then stole said code and patented it before Jobs could patent it himself. So he went one better on the thievery angle, and waht he did was illegal. He was eventually forced to admit fault and was fined for it, so it's public record.

But it was really too late for Apple by then, they were forced to go an alternate coding route.

Yes microsoft has gotten better since then, but bill himself was a robber baron style head of a corporation, and no amount of philanthropy makes up for the fact in my mind.

As for gaming, The talk your speaking of is actually microsoft buying out small companies with good ideas... again. (they did the same thing in the 80's with some small pc start ups) then running them into the ground, like EA does. No faith in the company from me, sorry.


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Hey jenna.

I'm on the One as well. I brought up Far Cry 4 on the PS4 because it has this "Keys To Kyrat" deal only available on it. Also I got it cheap by getting one of those voucher codes for the 4 free games.
You up for some Sunset Overdrive?

As for the person commenting on PC I hate the American PC market, it's too niche for my tastes now. If there were a piece of gaming hardware I want and could see a strong future it would be if someone resurrects the idea of the Indrema.

In regards to Sega, yeah they make money as a publisher but they're a shadow of their former self. It's a shame to see the ONE game company that moved gaming forward in vision more than any other company(I don't mean gameplay, i.e. Nintendo) is slumming now. I mean Yuji Naka is gone, Tetsuya Mizuguchi and Yu Suzuki as well. Everyone who really moved that company forward is gone but the company really went by the wayside since Sammy bought them. We had Rez, Segagaga, Skies Of Arcadia, Jet Set Radio, Panzer Dragoon, Clockwork Knight, Illbleed, etc., etc.

Sony has some games like "Folklore" I loved last gen. but it's a small consolation. Games like "Ico" I like but they try too hard to be artsy. Sega did it but it managed to have commercial appeal as well. They weren't doing it intentionally, it was just Sega. That being said, they try and are willing to take a loss on some games to gain long term. A lot of times Microsoft doesn't hold the same mentality. Microsoft axed Mistwalker and now what exclusive Japanese/Eastern companies do they have on board for the One? None.
Sony also takes a loss on what I'd argue is the best Arthouse film division of a major motion picture company in America...Sony Picture Classics. It gains them likely innumerable PR in the industry and amongst hardcore movie watchers. Take a look at their lineup, it's so diverse and they have some outstanding films in that catalog. Miramax is gone so it really has no competition, sorry Fox Searchlight and Paramount Vantage.

Regarding exclusives in general Microsoft is trying and Killer Instinct is good but it should be priced at $50 for the complete edition instead of $80 regularly since you're funding the development of the game. I mean developers do that with Kickstarter. The same should hold for Phantom Dust when it comes out instead of nickel and diming.
Suggestions for MS exclusives: Phantom Crash, Crimson Skies, Shadowrun(from PC), Shadowrun(for Genesis with enhanced color palette and extra comic shots, online coop suggested), Jet Force Gemini sequel, Buffy remake(original from Xbox), another Magna Carta or War Of the Genesis. House Of the Dead 5(likely would cost little).


I loved sega unconditionally. Sometimes they still come up with a good one. But if you want anything like what sega used to do, then it's sony you go to now. And yes, that is a shame.


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PC? Niche?

Other than Forza and the Halo re-release, there's next to nothing on the Xbone that hasn't or isn't making its way to PC as well, and you can build a power-competitive PC for the same cost as the current consoles if you shop smart for last-gen parts. Combine that with the PC's capability to run games dating back to the early 80's thanks to programs like DOSbox, keeping literally 30+ years of content viable on the platform... niche is far from a term I would use to describe it, and that's before ever delving into the questionable area of things like M.A.M.E. or other emulators....

I love SEGA, but in the same way that someone loves a puppy with incontinence. Sure, it's adorable that it's running around playing with toys and being a generally happy little diversion, but it leaves a trail of crap everywhere it goes. Good releases from SEGA have become incredibly rare, with Bayonetta being one of the few really stand-out titles they helped with in recent memory. Most of my favorite SEGA stuff is Dreamcast (Space Channel 5!) and earlier (Shining Force! Well, sorta-SEGA.)

Microsoft really DOES need to turn Rare loose and just let 'em do their own thing. I could care less about Kinect sports titles: give me new Banjo-Kazooie, or Conker, or even another Grabbed by the Ghoulies game, and I MIGHT start giving the Xbone something other than a dismissive sneer. Forza alone does not a console sell, especially given how Microsoft has butchered any chance of using the console without having to be online constantly.

Sorry, I get rather... opinionated... when it comes to the games industry.

Melanie E.

Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed

Piper's picture

So I guess by the price I got it at (Free/given to me) that I'm the only person that really likes Sega's "Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed?" :) I play it a LOT on my gaming pc using wired x360 controllers :)

"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

LOVE the Sonic Racing games

so good catch there! Still, SEGA really needs to re-think their priorities in terms of game design and releases.

Melanie E.

Regarding my comment on the PC being niche.

I'm not referring to the past when it was all sorts of variety of games. Nowadays, in the U.S. market for big games it solidly finds itself pandering to a few genres: MMORPG, RPG, FPS and RTS. I'm not interested in playing an FPS all of the time, the combat system tends to be generic and the stories tend to be lacking. I'm not saying there aren't exceptions like Bioshock and others in terms of story and gameplay but most of the time they tend to be uninspired.
With MMORPG if I want a game without stories on a whole or with an idiotic open arc that makes it lacking, then I'll play an MMORPG. I've heard KOTOR is one of the few exceptions in story. I don't just play an RPG for the gameplay, I play it for the story as well.
In terms of the RPG section, they tend to be few and far between compared to the others though most tend to be competently done.
In terms of the XB One it depends on the games. For a time you could only get Alan Wake on the 360 and it seemed like 6 months or longer before it finally came out on PC. There was also Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey by Mistwalker and neither game debuted or will come up on the PC since it was a Japanese developer(they're not Nihon Falcom) and they have a Japanese market mindset. Heck none of the FF games after 8 I believe ever showed up on PC.
What else? "Child Of Eden", any of the Banjo games made for Xbox as well as Perfect Dark Zero, Killer Instinct, any Armored Core(haven't heard about them on PC), Ninja Gaiden 2, Otomedius Excellent, Culdcept Saga, Sunset Overdrive, Chromehounds(server is down now sadly). Rayman Origins/Legends(might be wrong but I don't think I've seen it mentioned for PC), Rise Of Nightmares(yeah it's Kinect but it's arcade style Sega), Project Gotham Racing 3(sadly MS axed them in favor of only Turn 10 stuff), MGS: Peacewalker, MGS: Rising, Persona 3 Arena/Ultimax, Catherine, D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die, Deadly Premonition, Final Fantasy 13(etc.), the new Vandal Hearts, Crimson Dragon, Dance Masters, Dance Central 1-3, Ninja Blade, Rock Band, Steel Battalion, etc.
If you want me to go back to the original Xbox: Genma Onimusha, Panzer Dragoon Orta, House Of the Dead 3, Gunvalkyrie, Shenmue 2(the controls should have been changed to handle dual analog), Ninja Gaiden, PGR1-2, Steel Battalion(original), Otogi 1-2, Fatal Frame 1-2, DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball, Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams(say what you will about it being on PC it's suppose to look like shit and have been a hatchet job unlike 3 or the Room), etc.

Tent./not sure: Deathspank 1-3, Ryse,

Oh and I'm a fan of "Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed". What platform do you have it on? I'll play it with you.

By the way, a friend of mine said he like All Stars Racing Transformed but the game can't help but remind me of Diddy Kong Racing by Rare.

edit: It may take some time but the One will have exclusives and games on it in general that are not on PC. Some 3rd party devs. just don't want to make games on PC. They tend to be Japanese but sometimes there are Western companies that do it as well. Can't believe I blanked there as I listed easily a few games on the One above not on PC. KI, Sunset Overdrive and D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die for a few.

A healthy portion

of what you mentioned isn't Xbox exclusive either, being cross-platform with Sony and/or Nintendo, with Blue Dragon even getting a (rather reduced) re-make on the original DS, not to mention that most of those were 360 and not One releases. Arguing exclusives means just that: NO OTHER platform gets the game. Sunset Overdrive is intended to have a PC release eventually, too: no way Epic is gonna let a franchise squander away on a single platform. Ryse? Ported. Dead Rising? Ported. Deathspank? Born on PC. FFXIII? Now on PC too. Ninja Gaiden? On everything under the sun EXCEPT the PC. Shenmue 2? Dreamcast. Fatal Frame? PS2 and Wii. Conker's Bad Fur Day? N64. Metal Gear? Everything else. HotD 3? Arcades and PlayStation and Wii and etc. Same with the Rayman games.

You did have a few exclusives there, but that's kind of the point: I never said the Xbone did or would have NO exclusives, just that they would be less common by far than the cross-platform titles, and even then the ones that would actually be significant? Even less so. The only exclusives that the Xbox consoles have ever had that I thought were worth anything were the Forza games and the last Banjo Kazooie game, neither of which are system sellers on their own (and, with the way they've mistreated Rare since obtaining them, another good Banjo game is almost an impossibility.) If I were into fighting games KI might mean something, but even then it's just a rehash of the games already available on SNES and N64 with microtransactions added in, so why?

If you're going to delve into indie titles (which you are obviously willing to, given your listing of the Deathspank franchise) then the PC gets more love than anyone else, with TONS of unique titles that appear first, and possibly never anywhere else. Rogue Legacy, f'rinstance, a great Metroidvania. La Mulana, Super Meat Boy, Rock of Ages, Kerbal Space Program, Strike Suit Zero, Defender's Quest, Project Zomboid, Spelunky... not a single one a first person shooter or RPG (at least not in the classic sense,) or RTS. And if you want JRPG's, then the PC has a MASSIVE market of indies available thanks to the ease of use and access to the RPG Maker toolset, giving you literally hundreds if not thousands of free or cheap SNES-style JRPGs to delve into, most of them with good, engaging storylines, like To The Moon. Less indie but still there are also the Ys games, a series any JRPG fan can't ignore without suffering much derision at the hands of their peers.

I can respect being a console fan. Consoles DO have certain advantages over PC, like ease of use, and racing games, I'll admit, tend to fare better on console in my opinion than with a keyboard and mouse. However, to call the PC market niche? If this were Japan, sure. Anywhere else, it's almost the exact opposite, and to think that it's any more genre limited than any console is indicative of little to no research. I have over 550 PC games, with maybe -- MAYBE -- a third of those being RPGs, because I love RPGs, and less than 20% of them being what would be classified as FPSes, which are another genre I tend to enjoy. Personal buying habits aside, the PC market is filled with puzzle games, adventure games, racing games, experimental games, shooters, platformers... you name it, it's there, and in mass quantities, dating back literally DECADES of playable releases.

For every Xbone or 360 title you give me I can give you either a series it emulates or another platform it is or will be on. You can't say that of the Nintendo platforms, or Sony platforms, or even SEGA or Atari platforms. There isn't anything exactly like Mario or Zelda. There isn't anything quite like Little Big Planet, or Uncharted, or MediEvil. But Forza is just Gran Turismo on easy mode, and next to nothing else has ever been born on the Xbox worth its salt and stayed there.

Sorry, shutting up now.

Melanie E.

I don't debate the past.

I grew up with some great PC games but I hate what the market has become now, loaded with graphic whores who care all about the graphics and no Lossless sound but more than that seem to look at Adventure games and others outside of the one's I listed in the earlier post with derision. I hate these gamers and look upon them with contempt as they spit on what made the PC platform great. Note the past tense, the variety that used to hallmark the PC market, especially seeing a wide variety of titles in stores is gone now for the most part or has migrated to smartphones or consoles even.
Maybe I won't say the same things of the PC market in Europe but I believe it's true here.
I remember Sega canning "100 Swords" for the Dreamcast but releasing it for the PC back in the day. No way would a company like Sega even think to release that game on PC now because they believe it wouldn't sell well enough. Part of that migration mentioned above was because the PC userbase saw such a severe split with how smartphones have been popularized as well as tablets. The bleedover effect of some of those people owning consoles playing console style games on PC has largely died, what with them using smartphones, tablets and other things that they would normally use on PC.
The boom of consoles has also done that.
As for Sunset Overdrive being on PC I harbor doubts about that. Insomniac does not have a history of putting product on PC as I don't believe even their previous multi-platform hit on PC(correct me if I'm wrong). I truly don't think they'll start now. Some companies just prefer developing games on consoles. It's the same reason why we've never seen "Lost Odyssey" on PC and never will. It also doesn't help that some companies games don't sell for shit on PC as compared to consoles so they don't bother.
No thanks as to people using RPG-Maker and recycled sprites. Speaking of which, I don't know why Sega doesn't port "Dream Studio" to PC. It's not like the 3D aspect of RPG Maker looks better. "Dream Studio" shows it up and down the town.

p.s. Steam is a shitty solution. I despise DRM and all the handicapping it entails. I'll take GOG any day, thank GOD for being able to use "The Witcher 2" and having it tap my laptop out.
p.p.s. If you haven't played KI3 don't judge. I've come from playing 1 and 2, finding the 3rd one solid. I mean I'm a fan and feel like they changed things a bit but stayed true and some of the new characters are a nice touch. I do hate the microtransaction bs. They should just sell a complete collection at $50, since you're subsidizing their development costs and make people pay $60 at the retail release.