Male milk

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Anon Allsop's White Squaw has once more intrigued me about the subject of male lactation. (One or two readers may even recall that I once wrote a rather zany and futuristic story Studs make good cash cows which also dwelt on this subject.)

It appears there is no physical reason why males cannot produce milk from our breasts. There are many recorded events throughout history of them doing so, the most notable at the end of WWII, after starving prisoners were released from Nazi concentration camps and put on a normal diet. The resulting hormone imbalance caused many of them to lactate.

Lactation is stimulated by the hormone prolactin. Women normally have far more of this than men. Following childbirth, they have a rush of it which causes them to produce milk for their baby. When men spontaneously lactate, this is often a sign that their bodies are not working correctly. This hormone cannot be readily purchased.

However, many sources claim that males can stimulate lactation by manipulating the breasts and nipples, in the same way as a baby when trying to draw milk. Rather using a real baby, a breast pump is much more effective and rather less dramatic. Good breast pumps have a stimulation phase followed by a pumping phase. Clearly, it is the stimulation phase which is most effective in starting milk production. It is claimed that once milk starts to flow from the male breast, the breast rapidly increases in size and milk becomes much more abundant.

Clearly, if this is true, it is probably the most feminine thing a genetic male can do without medical intervention. It also increases breast size without the use of surgery and silicone. I wonder whether any visitors to this site have experience of male lactation, either personal or of their friends.


Not all male.

Remember that there are many males who are not fully XY and the incidence of this is much broader than most know. I am Non-Klinefelter's XXY and I suspect I could easily give milk had it not been for the fact that I used to have nipple rings, so they may have damaged the milk ducts.

Also, another thought.

Gwen is correct, Lindale. Besides which, milk production creates leakage. That will get messy.

So, yes, male have the parts for milk production. But, it is one of those things that might not be worth it.

On a side note, how are you doing Gwen? I hope you have gotten over your rough patch from a few weeks ago.

A natural way of enhancing breasts

But the point is that all humans have the physical mechanism to produce milk, and if the anecdotal evidence is correct, males can do so. It would be a completely natural way of enhancing breasts, rather than invasive surgery or drugs. Further, it is completely under the control of the individual; all they have to do is to buy and use a breast pump, and they need no assessment or approval to do so.

Yes, it can get messy, but most women seem to cope. And that's what being a woman entails, so isn't that the whole point?


dawnfyre's picture

a high dose of progesterone for 6 months then suddenly stop it, and use a breast pump at that time, is a way to get the prolactin to be produced.
it is the drop in the progesterone level that triggers massive prolactin production. it helps a lot for the milk ducts and glans to be developed, which they are not fully developed in a typical male breast.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.