The BBC are doing a serial of 5x 15 minute episodes about Amy, a girl who's born in the wrong body, and how her parents try and cope with it. Times in the UK Monday to Friday 11.45am repeated in the evening at 7.45pm and then available on the iPlayer site. It is a drama, but sounds quite interesting, hope there aren't too many stereotypes.
Thank You
I heard an excerpt on the radio this morning. It sounded quite true to life.
I shall try and listen this week.
Thanks for the link Angharad.
Love to all
Anne G.
Radio 4 Website has link to a Transgender page
BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour this morning had a piece of transgender children as well as the first episode of the drama mentioned by Angharad. The Radio 4 Website also has a link to various other items on Transgender on