Taking down "Mum's Encouragement" Trilogy

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Hi Everyone

I have decided to take down my autobiographical account namely "Mum's Encouragement" as I don't believe it is well received on here or indeed Fictionmania. I have had good feedback, but also a lot of negative feedback and what is most frustrating for me is when authors don't get any feedback.

I thank all of you who enjoyed my chapters. Your positive feedback was really appreciated.

Lucy J x



to hear that. I have enjoyed all 20 postings.


I have enjoyed it and waited for it to finally start and I always leave kudos if anything. Enjoyed the story even over the period that you were not posting new chapters. The delay posting may have to do with the comments not being posted because many are having to reread the early chapters. As far as fictionmania not everyone who reads there actually does comment on the site and the same can be said for here. I have over 2000 books on my kindle account on amazon and just do not have the time to comment and review them all (much of those books I have gotten for free.)

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.

Erin said it best on another blog recently,

in that the best way to get no response is to not post. Pulling your story is pretty much the same thing.

Is it your choice? Absolutely. But pulling a story due to low or what you deem poor response will never give your story a chance to gain anything better. In essence, you're forcing it to be a failure by not giving it a chance to shine.

At least do one thing: don't delete the posts. Instead, ask Erin and the admins to unpub them. That way if/when you decide to share them with us again, everything -- the hits, the kudos, the comments -- are still retained.

Melanie E.

That's Unfortunate

littlerocksilver's picture

Most of my stories that follow true to life scenarios do not get an overwhelming response. My magic related stories have done considerably better. I write for myself. If I am happy with what I write, that's all that matters. If I pleased a certain group of readers, that's all the satisfaction I need. I guess I'm a bit too mainstream for many of the readers here. On the other hand, I couldn't come close to what some of the writers at FM produce, and I wouldn't want to. I have several criteria: love, acceptance, no BDSM, no forced feminization (That doesn't mean I don't like to read about it, I'm just not capable of writing about it.), happy endings for the most part, positive results, positive changes, and many more. Several of my stories were not received very well at all; however, they're still there. I might start to remove some of them when I start publishing in the mainstream. There will be ample warning.

Please don't stop posting until the stories are complete. I don't think that's fair to your readers, and I think you are cutting off your nose to spite your face. Please reconsider.


Please don't

Leigh Veritas's picture

pull the story, I just got started reading it after seeing your latest post of mum's encouragement. It is fascinating story and i really would love to finish it.

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.
Mark Twain.

Leigh Veritas

Losing a prized gem

PLEASE don't pull your story. I have enjoyed it, especially as it is YOUR story, and not a piece of fiction. I am sure I am not alone in feeling that a real life story is worth 100 made up ones. And it has only really just started. I am dieing to read how you progressed.

Were the negative comments here or on Fictionmania?

I know that there are stories that have gotten very poor treatment from writers on Fictionmania and there is not the same policy there in regards to respect for others and their feelings. You have two very different audiences between here and there.

I know that a lot of us post on both sites, but we are lucky that most, if not all, of the readers with bad attitudes leave their negative comments over there.

I have to ask. Are you writing to make yourself happy with what you write or are you writing to make us happy. If you want or need to write, don't let bad guys win.


Please don't give up writing , we do enjoy your writing and some people are negative no matter what . I was always told if you don't have something nice to say don't say it at all. Sorry that people have spoiled you .
HUGS keep writing Richie2


This one had sat for a long time and just had new postings. I'm sorry to see it go.

Cutting off your nose

My mother would often accuse me of cutting off my nose to spite my face. I hope that is not what you are doing. On fictionmania I commented on the high quality of your story. To comment again or every time a new chapter is added would cheapen my words or at best could be interpreted as fawnning. This is good work & your references to your current life demand that you carry on even if it is in a truncated style. Your story, without science fiction or magic, adds a certain validity to this site. Maybe you have other reasons for not completing, (I hope it is not painful); but those of us who have read you work repeatedly, & hoping for more, do no want to see the story terminated prematurely. What ever your final decision I wish you a happy & fulfilled future. Love Another Brian

sad to see it go

I just started reading it and was enjoying it a lot, but now I can't finish...

Worst news :(

Hi Lucy,

I'm not sure whether you remember but I posted a message on one of your chapters on Fictionmania. I really loved your story and it gave me so much optomism and confidence for my own future. I was so sad to read that you had decided to remove the story, I was really looking forward to seeing where it went and how you became the woman you are today.

I hope you change your mind and repost the story if not I would love to know more about your life and how you reached acceptance. Hope you do repost

With love,

Cara x

Cara x