Okay, I know everyone asks this once in a while. I sometimes look in the mirror and see I'm pretty and feel I can pass as myself no problem and others I question myself. I am hoping I can get a few people to offer an honest opinion if I look good or not. I know my chins gotta go it horrible and my nose is huge. good or bad opinions are accepted. Thanks for putting up with my silliness.
Janet Reno
If Janet Reno can pass, so can you.
I little make up and I can pass.

The same goes for you. Remember, less is more. I'd go for some mascara and a little light lipstick.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Do you accept yourself
Projection is the largest part of who you are and how others accept you. Think of it this way. The cat walks across the yard knows he is the toughest badass around. No dogs or cats are going to mess with him. He knows he's the one and every one including humans respects that.
The other cat peeks around the corner. Runs to the bushes and hides while scouting for trouble. He knows he is a target for every four legged critter who sees him. Every animal knows this cat is a good chase and will squawl and run like a rabbit if he's spotted.
Believe in yourself is ninety nine percent of what you project and what other people see. When people look, then look back. There is nothing to hide. When they smile, smile with them. When they frown ignore them but don't stop with your alert sense in case they become dangerous. I have no idea who you are but keep this in mind. Genetic women are in as much danger as a trans if a predator is on the prowl. The idea is to believe in yourself and others will too. I know some of the girls haven't had years of on job training to be a girl. But hey, I've met thousands of genetic girls who blew it and never took the lessons either. They figured being born a girl was all the qualifications they needed to be a lady. Ummmm...., sorry, no!
Take what you have no matter who you are and be yourself. Love yourself. I promise you with all my heart it isn't a sin no matter what you have been told. There are degrees of self adulation which are a sin but loving one's self isn't one of them.
I pray you find happiness and a life full filled.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
You're not the least bit silly!
IMHO, what you need is :
A good wig until your hair grows out
Pluck those eyebrows
Better use of makeup. Blusher especially, changes the shape of your face. Makeup is a lot cheaper, and less painful than facial surgery. It's also probably a lot more effective. Go get a makeover!
If your chin's gotta go, then you have that common with MOST British women. Not a bad group to be part of.
Me. I'm hopeless. It's hard to make a linebacker into a foxy cougar!
Perhaps to clean them up. But, those browse are certainly not very heavy! She's quite lucky there. So many of us have "uni-brow" (i.e. brows meet over the nose) or really bushy ones. I've also noticed that heavier brows are more common today than they were a few years ago.
You look like you're where I was when I transitioned - different good and bad points, but basically the same "place". You can probably pass most of the time as long as you "act" (though, that's a bad term for it) like a lady (and this is why it's bad... It assumes stereotypes as to what a lady acts like. But, there are some mannerisms that are more typically male and some more typical of female but none as far as I know are exclusive.)
If you win the lottery, a good surgeon could make your life easier (passing on first glance)... But, unless you have insurance that pays - or a pile of cash... Be glad it's not required. {What could the surgeon do? Advance your scalp/hairline; raise/re-position your eyebrows a little; MAYBE shave your brows ridge a little; MAYBE narrow the nose some; Maybe play with the tip; Shorten the nose-lip distance and maybe turn up the upper lip a smidgen; Shave the jaw bone and clip the tip of the adams apple. Lots of maybes you saw... The upper lip/jaw bone are probably the two most typically male.} Luckily it's not required! :-) You look as good as some of the "After" photos you see on many of the FFS surgeons web sites for the most part. In my case, it helped a LOT (I went from being "Sir'd" over half the time, even when in a dress to never being "Sir'd" in person post FFS.) And, that's probably the best clue you'll have as to how well you "pass". Do people recognize the lady when they see you, or is their first thought "guy".
Beyond that, the doubt is common... Intellectually, I know I pass, quite well, these days... But, I know where I came from and when I look in the mirror, I can still see the same person (more or less).
Good luck,
Eybrows and wigs
Okay, first off I don't think I could pull off a wig much less afford one lol. As for th eyebrow I'd love to get them shaped if not a little thinned. I do kinda have a Uni-brow, i just pluck it as much as I can or shave it. I do realize I need help in the make up department. I'd love to do a make over, but sadly friends(except online) do not exist for me and I am terrified to go anywhere alone.
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.
Mark Twain.
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