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For clarity's sake, no, I haven't gotten "lazy" lately. I've been having issues with life. The last time I shared something personal here, I said I'd not do it again because of the reaction I received -- which very nearly made me leave and not come back.

So. Rest assured that I am going to be working on "Shortcuts!" as soon as this is posted.

If anyone is interested in why exactly I haven't been able to do anything since Thursday mid-day, PM me and I might tell you. I might tell you way more than you want to know.



Life comes first

erin's picture

BC is just a hobby, even for me. Take the time you need, hon. And thanks for all the work you've already done.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

I second Erin's statement

I'm in the same situation, though not as deeply.
I've been happy that I haven't been receiving as many stories lately, as Real Life is temporarily taking up more time than it has in the past.
Never the less, I will get it done. and there are a few serials that almost always go to the top of the queue after the one I am already working on.
As with you, I know the real life obstructions are temporary


One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness.
It usually comes back to you.
