Health update

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I'm still out of the hospital, which is good. I'm taking my antibiotics as prescribed. The foot, though better, still hurts like hell. I am extremely tired and get easily winded. I still do my paperroute at night and that's about it. I got a replacement tv delivered today and don't even have the energy to set it up so I'll be without entertainment again. I haven't the energy/mental wherewithal to write/edit. I feel like a ghost, a part of this world, but pretty much useless. I hope this feeling changes soon. I don't know how I'm going to get my stamina back again.


Gettting Better

This too shall past , everyday is a new day and I day closer to being back to normal . I just went thru 3 months of an injury with a cast so hang in and listen to the doctors , take your meds , and get the rest you need . feel better soon Hugs Richie2

Your stamina...

erica jane's picture

Will come back. A little bit more with each day. Make sure you're getting good sleep, that's really going to help.

~And so it goes...

Foot care

I don't know if you are doing it but I would add one suggestion: moisturize!

Recently I had a problem whereby my blood-pressure tablets made my feet swell. It was extremely uncomfortable and often painful. One thing I learned was to make sure I moisturized the skin frequently since it is being stretched all out of its regular proportions. Doing this cut down the pain considerably.

For the record, my dosage was reduced and I now have no problems at all.
