Transitioning to a US college

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This may be useful for some - US News a World Report


A little more advice

Contact the LGBT center and get info on how active they really are. I looked up the local University group and found their meeting time and day, went in to see what they were up to, only to find that the info was out of date. An email also went unanswered. So check first, before you find out that the group is MIA.

All too true

At my college, the LGBT "Centre" was a note in the student handbook - and nothing more. The teaching staff had apparently formed a small group a decade before, met a couple of times, and the administration had decided the fictional resource was good advertising and so kept bragging about it. Sigh...

On the PLUS side, admin wasn't upset about allowing a *real* LGBT presence, as long as it administered itself and cost nothing - (they wouldn't provide any real estate, aside from meeting rooms). Aided by classified ads in the campus paper and some bulletin board notices, a group quickly formed, allowing students to meet, talk, socialize, organize the revolution, etc. - and is still going strong, almost three decades later. They even have a *room* now!

So, as Valentine said, check first. See if the "Centre" is really there. But don't give up all hope if it isn't.
