Is anyone else having problems with the javascipt running on Big Closet website? My Firefox browser (running on Windows 7) jams up with this script, stops or has lengthy stalls. This is recent problem for laptop.
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Is anyone else having problems with the javascipt running on Big Closet website? My Firefox browser (running on Windows 7) jams up with this script, stops or has lengthy stalls. This is recent problem for laptop.
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I'm starting to think
I'm starting to think that Firefox is jamming up Firefox. For a few months now it's been getting slower and slower. And it's having lots of issues with Flash and Java. So far no problems with this site (Firefox + Win7 here) but I'm thinking some day Firefox will just not want to play anymore. It's also become quite the memory hog as well.
~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.
I've been discussing the
I've been discussing the issue with Erin and Piper (sort of. Mostly giving them the rundown of when it happens).
First, this _only_ happens here. I don't know if it happens on other Drupal sites, because I believe this is the only one I go to regularly. Joomla and Wordpress haven't given me issues. So, don't just blame it on Firefox being Firefox.
Second, I get the bulk of the site loaded, including all of the center. Then there's a brief lag as most of the ads/photos on the right load up, and then a lockup for a couple of seconds while the funding/money bars load in. Then, theres a 12 second lockup while the ad just below the Amazon on the left loads. Once that finishes, everything's good. During those lags, I can't even scroll a different tab (if I'm already there), or scroll on BC.
On this posting, when I hit 'add new comment', it locked briefly while it decided what size to make the posting field, then again when it worked on the funding bars on the right. As my screen is only 600 pixels tall, and 20% of that is taken up with Firefox and the task bar, I can't really make a good judgement as to what order which ad or frame is coming up.
I will say that I'm on Firefox on Linux, with a clean install (because of this exact problem happening for the last few months, I had used NoScript to block CloudFlare. This, however, blocked me from giving kudos. I then wiped my machine and only reinstalled bookmarks)
Note: When I disable cloudflare, I _do_ still see all the ads and the bars, I just don't get the lags.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Firefox Just Updated to Version 32.0.1
and it seems to run loads faster at startup now, even with 300 tabs open!
I just now updated my
I just now updated my Kubuntu, including Firefox 32. I'm not noticing any change in the loading of BC. Hitting this thread took 25 seconds to finish loading (locking up three times during that process). Hitting reply took 12 seconds - possibly because the breast forms ad isn't present underneath the reply window.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Try using the firefox addons -
AdBlock Plus and Element Hiding Helper for Ad Block Plus 1.3 I use both to remove pesky scripts and ads that slow down my loading of all pages anywhere.
I already use NoScript. I
I already use NoScript. I used AdBlock before, and found NoScript more suited for my needs.
The problem is that if I block the scripts that slow down the pages, I can't give kudos to the stories that I enjoy. Apparently cloudflare is _not_ being used strictly as a caching system, but as a mainline interface for the site itself. (NoScript doesn't have a granular script block/allow for inside of sites.)
Right now I'm allowing bigcloset and cloudflare, and not allowing amazon-adsystem and google-analytics.
Remember, I don't _want_ to disallow the advertising revenue for these pages, even if I was donating hundreds of dollars a month. (If I could, I would be)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
What CloudFlare is doing, is
What CloudFlare is doing, is Poxy-Cache-Optimizing certain JavaScript elements. I will open a report with cloudflare as this seems to be not an issue everyone is having. I tried the site in IE, Chrome, and Firefox quite often in the last several days, and have not had any load issues since we made the last server-side javascript change.
For me and the other Elves, the site seems to be loading quite fast, under 5 sec page loads for the front page, and considerably faster than that for stories and blogs. We are always working on ways to improve the site loading are constantly "upgrading" the site behind the scenes to do everything we can to improve things.
poxy-cache? I can see it
poxy-cache? I can see it caching those poxy scripts, yes.
Whatever change was made overnight is making a massive difference. The photos/ads in the side frames are coming up at the same time as the main page, and while the initial load is a second or two longer than before, that's MORE than made up by the not having three or four lockdowns for 30 seconds after the initial load.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
You can use both AdBlock and
You can use both AdBlock and NoScript together. I do so without problem.
I'm currently running Firefox 32.0.1 on Linux, and seeing no problems or delays.
Note: I tend to let NoScript block everything, and use the OPTIONS button in the lower right corner to allow (temporarily) scripts to run on pages only as needed. Such as when I need to mash that KUDOS button.
- vessica b
thanks for all the response.
I forget to mention all my little hot rod netbook is screaming fast every were else on the web with all software up to date. Firefox ver. 32.0.1 , however this bloated memory hogging version is still working fine except the problem with cloudfare script. I just installed no script to block the problem. This seems to also be the solution for most others to. Thanks for sharing your ideas and thoughts. Glad see the site folks are checking into this.
Aloha, Deanna August
Try without NoScript and Ad-block Please.
You might want to try without no-script now as we made a LOT of server-side changes, including disabling CloudFlare's "rocket loader" which I think was causing the issue. Running No-script to block everything will disable the ability to leave Kudos and possibly some other future features.
Well, as I posted above,
Well, as I posted above, everything's been good now. Whatever was changed in the six hours or so between my posts, it addressed the issue. I see all the ads come up at once, and while the initial load _is_ a couple of seconds longer, I'm more than happy with that change.
That's with NoScript having bigcloset and cloudflare both 'allowed'.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.