The Princess by Christine Smith

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I was reading a favorite webcomic of mine The Princess by Christine Smith but for some reason now it's being labeled a virus site. Can anyone explain why it thinks the site is unsafe? Did something happen?



Ragtime Rachel's picture

What software are you using? I have Web Of Trust (WOT) and WOT gave me no such warning. I should know, I visit that site religiously every Monday and Friday.

EDIT: Disregard the above. I checked there to make sure, and sure enough, you're right. It's been labeled a virus site.

EDIT #2: I just informed Christine of the problem, and at the moment she's as confused as we are. She's going to check with the host--the problem could be on their end.

Livin' A Ragtime Life,


OK, update...

Ragtime Rachel's picture

Christine says the host seems to not like Google Chrome very much, because it appears to be blocking all Chrome users. Someone who also uses the host must have put something nasty there.

Livin' A Ragtime Life,


No problem....

Andrea Lena's picture

Theraflu should do the....what? Not that kind of virus> Never mind. How are you, by the way?


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

How am I, you mean?

Ragtime Rachel's picture

Or the person who originally posted? If you mean me, I'm doing all right, though I'm a little frustrated that the story I'm working on seems to be stalling already.

Livin' A Ragtime Life,
