Some people have a past and it would be in their best interest if they just shut up about it.
I would be one of those people.
I am coming up on the 28th anniversary of when I was molested by my cousin. I had it out of my mind but have been waking up with a start recently and tried to figure it out. That was a mistake. I am a very stupid person. I posted Phenom early because I can't sleep because of a phobia I can't shake. I am hoping that some of my other relaxation methods work and I can return to being the lovable asshole everyone knows.
If not, I might ask someone else to post the rest of the story until I get my fool head on straight.
That is all.
you're not stupid, Katie.
big, warm huggles to keep you safe from the memories.
Not Stupid
How could you even think that your stupid with the creative writing that you do KUDOS on your writings past and future . For those new to BCTS Katie has been writing since before Y2K happened now that is a long time ALL OF IT GOOD Hugs K.T.L. & little Katie