So for the last few months been riding my one relatives old road bike in the hopes of getting into better fitness I have been riding about 35 miles or so every other day. The issue is that it is a old bike where the shifters are in shitty spot and there is no way to tell when you are going into a near gear until you get into it. Also my rear break is shot the cable leading to it is snapped. I am currently without work so cannot get it fixed or a new one which would be my goal. Well today I was going on my ride when about five miles out from my house I hit something in the road have no idea what it was but wound up flipping over the front handle bars and got some pretty bad road rash and thinking that I bused the area around the lower part of my rib cage. So it is not looking like I will be able to go riding again until my rib cage feels better since it is sore just sitting and leaning over a little typing this let alone ridding a bike.
Sorry to hear
of your misfortune, hope you feel better soon and manage to get back on your bike.
In some cities there are churches and non-profits that help with bikes. In Tampa, where I live, there are two. I know one is called pedal power. Basically a church or organization gives away free bikes to those really in need. For some, bikes are there only transportation and it is viewed as a necessity. You may want to look into that. Also, some of these organizations fix bikes too, so they could help you with the bike you already have. If you lived near me, I would help.
Katie Leone (
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