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From the FYI Department
The scientific community keeps getting closer and closer to a certifiable explanation to our conditions.
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TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
From the FYI Department
The scientific community keeps getting closer and closer to a certifiable explanation to our conditions.
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I think
they still have a long way to go, it's been a few years since my ancestors were algae, even one as lovely as volvox.
Scurrilous Daily Mail says Gender is Nurture not Nature
You appear to have missed the side article which without explanation or justification states that gender is entirely learnt. From there how long do you think it will be before The Daily Mail insists GID is treated entirely by psychiatrists?
A neuroscientist has claimed the expression 'Men are from Mars and women are from Venus' has no scientific grounding, and that instead our brains are changed by the roles society forces us to play.
According to Gina Rippon, a professor at Aston University in Birmingham, stereotypes - such as women's supposed inability to read maps, or the idea men are bad at multitasking - have no links to science.
Instead of being wired in different ways, Professor Rippon said that men and women are only dissimilar because the world we live in encourages gender role-playing.
Speaking in March she said the differences between men and women are caused by the 'drip, drip, drip' of gender stereotypes.
According to The Telegraph she said: 'You can't pick up a brain and say "that's a girl's brain, or that's a boy's brain" in the same way you can with the skeleton. They look the same.
'There is pretty compelling evidence that any differences are tiny and are the result of environment not biology.'"
Rhona McCloud
It's only one professor
and next week they'll be saying that salt and vinegar crisps are the cause of gender confusion. It's quite obvious really, in the old days with the bag of salt in a blue paper--eating them made you a boy, now with ready salted, prawn cocktail etc., eating them causes you to mutate. As women are traditionally more acerbic than men, stands to reason the vinegar in the crisps turns you into a woman. QED.
Here's me annoyed at The Mail for preaching fear and hatred…
…when all we have to do is cut off their supply of Roast Beef flavoured crisps and they will turn into peace-loving hippies.
Rhona McCloud
No, no, it's aspartame.
No, no, it's aspartame. Didn't you know that artificial sweeteners cause all of the ills of mankind, physical, mental, social, and religious?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Gender Stereotypes Are There For A Reason
With respect to human sexuality, there is a female human nature and a male human nature, and these natures are extraordinarily different...because throughout the immensely long hunting and gathering stage of human evolutionary history the sexual desires and dispositions that were adaptive for either sex were for the other tickets to reproductive oblivion.
Donald Symons, quoted in Steven Pinker's 'How The Mind Works', Penguin edition page 461.
Pinker goes further.
Many people deny that there are any interesting differences between the sexes...Symons' two human natures are dismissed as gender stereotypes, as if that were proof that they are false...In fact, researchers in sex differences have found that many gender stereotypes underestimate the documented differences between the sexes.
(Pinker's emphasis.)
Professor Rippon - who I suspect may have been quoted out of context here - ought to realise that 'environment' and 'biology' are not mutually exclusive terms.
Your right Nikki
and it has been known for newspapers to "quote out of context". By the definition of this article (though probably not the professor's intent) which genes are turned on or off in the embryo's first 3 months count as "nurture" as much as which school the child attended.
Rhona McCloud
Too narrow focus
What these ivory tower types conveniently forget is that the world doesn't just consist of humans. Anyone who says that gender behaviour is the result of nurture only is talking a lot of bollocks.
One only has to look at almost any animal from mammals to reptiles to birds to fish to notice that for most, there are clearly defined gender roles which cannot be the result of nurture, since these creatures have no society to create those stereotypes.
It irritates me no end to see apparently intellegent people waste their time with such speculation when all they have to do is observe the world around them.
John Money lives
I wonder where her politics lie.
Ignore it
The best thing you can do with the Daily Mail's science section is put it in the garbage - before reading it. They're well known for not caring in the slightest about accuracy - only about how they can get it to boost circulation.
I don't care much
about public tripe, but I am actually curious about where I came from.
I know it is incredibly stupid, and it is!, but I would like a better handle why I was born relatively so different than my fellow human. Meanwhile I just deal with it as best I can.