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The BBC has an article on "LGBTTIQQ2SA"

We all know about LGBT but what on earth if TTIQQ2SA for heavens sake?

To quote
"An event in Canada is currently advertising itself as an "annual festival of LGBTTIQQ2SA culture and human rights", with LGBTTIQQ2SA representing "a broad array of identities such as, but not limited to, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning, two-spirited, and allies". Two-spirited is a term used by Native Americans to describe more than one gender identity."

Frankly IMHO this is all getting a bit silly. Why on earth can't LGBT be enough? All these extra letters seem to my just silly. Sure they do identify subsets of the LGBT but do we really need this.

No matter, this is happening in N. America. Soon it will become widespread like other silly (again IMHO) word like 'upscale, co-worker' ec (why on earth can't colleague be used instead of co-worker?)

{Rant over, off to work via the M3 car park}.


They use the labels to vicimize us.

It would serve them all right if we dropped the labels and used Human, or perhaps male or female. You could be a male that wears skirts or a girl that is a sniper.

Resist them. Do not allow yourself to be excluded from the mass of humanity.

At this point it would

At this point it would probably be smarter to just invent a new word instead of using this very long short :)

there is

there is a shorter acronym... gsd

Katie Leone (

Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life

That's OK, I'm still trying

That's OK, I'm still trying to figure out why Transgender got tossed in with Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual. One is who you are and the other is who you have sex with.

I can understand how the Intersex and Transgender goes together but not the other.

as for that, I think the I is Intersex and one of the Qs gender Queer but the second T and the Q2 and the SA I have no idea.

Google to the semi rescue.

Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transsexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Questioning, 2-Spirited and Allies.


I'm with you

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I too have a hard time with "T" being included with "LGB" It reminds me of the kids picture puzzle captioned, "Which one doesn't belong?"


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann


Hypatia Littlewings's picture

And there are other variations too!

Lately, people use an acronym and I go;
"What's that, I'm sorry my brain can't hold any more alphabet soup"

~Hypatia >i< ..:::

'upscale, co-worker'

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

That's a new on on me. Co-worker and colleague while, perhaps synonyms, have some real different connotations. I've worked manual labor of one sort or another all my life. I would never think to call someone working along side of me as a colleague. While someone in management might call another manager a colleague or a co-worker, to call them an "upscale co-worker" seem a bit ignorant and pretentious at the same time.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Upscale and Co-worker

I never meant for them to be used together, they were just examples of IMHO stupidly PC words that annoy me when there are alternatives already in the English language.


Well I suppose to a Poundland shopper Tesco's might be considered 'upscale' but really to we need to distinguish retail outlets like this? Most of the time, the location will tell you everything you need to know.

In my dictionary, the word 'colleague' means

A person with whom one works in a profession or business.

Says it all in mt opinion.

The English Language has a very rich vocabulary if used properly but to add these PC words is in my eyes silly. I know others will have different opinions and I accept that.
If you want to make me stop reading a story (anywhere) just put either of these words in the first sentence. But hey, that is just me, a grumpy old fart


I'm not trying to stir the

I'm not trying to stir the kettle or anything, everyone is entitled to their opinion after all, but I just wanted to add in a little tidbit. the word co-worker first come into use in the 1640's. Not sure what politically correct would have looked like back then... :P