Crystalhall is down. The message reads welcome to the new home for ...
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TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Crystalhall is down. The message reads welcome to the new home for ...
Checks can be made out & sent to:
Joyce Melton
1001 Third St.
Space 80
Calimesa, CA 92320
Note: $6000 is the operating, maintenance and upgrade budget. Amounts received in excess of the $6000 will be applied to long term debt accrued over the last 19 years.
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Thank you!
CrystalHall has Moved
I moved Crystall hall this morning. From Magda, which had been our "StarStuff Server" to Jolie, one of our Shared Hosting servers which should make it easier for the Whatley crew to update their site with little intervention from me unless they need something advanced.
The new site should be UP now, but you might get a page saying you need to wait for your DNS to be updated. If so you can try doing a quick Google for how to Flush you DNS for whatever Operating System you may use.
messages in in forum
I tried to see some of the messages and all I can get are the headers for the message and no content. Is this due to the move? I know how hard of work it is to move a website and just wanted to let you know what I am getting so it can be looked into.
Keep up the good work
I got in, but there's still something wrong.
I waited a bit, flushed my DNS cache (ipconfig /flushdns on Windows) and I got in But...
...the forums load fine. My login cookie was recognized. The message headings load fine. The user avatars load fine. The signatures load fine.
The message BODIES are missing, though.
Old posts, new posts, it's all the same -- messages show up empty.
Crystall hall
But it does show the signatures and if the message has been edited. :)
Working On It
We're currently working on the issue. -Piper
It's Fixed
It's Fixed, I can read messages, I even posted a thread. Now we really wait for DNS to catch up.
It's gotta be a glitch on my
It's gotta be a glitch on my end, but I thought you'd find it amusing that my system claims that crystalhall is on Jolie, but my browser claims that I have to wait for DNS to update.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Chrome Issue
I had the same issue in Chrome, with Chrome Caching the DNS... In chrome I used this to fix it. Just navigate to: chrome://net-internals/#dns