Story Theme

I was trying to think yesterday whether I've ever read a story where the usual teen-age (give or take) male dweeb -- shy, introverted, socially clueless -- after finding it necessary or desirable to live as a girl or young woman for a time, discovers that having done so allows him to fit in more confidently as his male self, able to be more assertive, recognize social cues and better understand other people's reactions and behavior.

(FWIW, the hero starts off as inept, not cretinous; Aunt Jane and other petticoat punishment or humiliation scenarios don't count.)

I was surprised that I wasn't coming up with anything off the top of my head that solidly fit that pattern. I can think of a couple on StorySite, Emmie Dee's Forgetful Frankie and Hebe Dotson's Round Trip, that are in the ballpark, so to speak, but Frankie's a preteen who hasn't reached the potential relationship stage and Dotson's Bob doesn't have social difficulties to overcome.

I feel as though there's an author or series that I'm completely overlooking here. Anyone know?