A writing tip - for those who care...

Hi all,

Here is ONE small writing tip that could be helpful. I have seen a number of cases of writing where the author seemed confused between 'amount' - and - 'number'. For example; "A large amount of trees are cut each year to make paper." This example fails - MY - good grammar evaluation. Why? Because, even though the number of trees is EXTREMELY large, the fact that 'trees' are theoretically a countable quantity, means the statement should read; "A large number of trees..." (Maybe a more robust adjective would be appropriate? But that is another story.) A further example; There are coins on a table. It doesn't matter whether you just tossed out what you had in your jeans pocket or if it is the collection from three days of arcade games that was dumped there. The correct way to refer to them is as the 'number' of coins on the table, conversely there is an 'amount' of money on the table, again regardless of the 'number' of coins. 'Money' is NOT countable in the same sense as 'dollars' are. (Notice, 'money' here uses the singular form of verb, 'is', where-as the word 'dollars' requires the plural form 'are'.)

Hint hint, even the vast AMOUNT of money in the USA annual budget is always described as a NUMBER of dollars. Ok so it is in the TRILIONS of dollars, but a devastatingly vast number of 'bean counters' have to account for every penny of that gargantuan amount of money. (at least in theory?)

There are untold NUMBERS of stars in the vast AMOUNT of space this universe holds. Just because I can not count the number of stars, does not mean they couldn't theoretically BE counted. On the other hand 'space' is an uncountable quality in and of itself, even though when it is measured the units of volume CAN be counted.

The NUMBER of atoms in the AMOUNT of matter that makes up the universe is FAR beyond my imagination.

'People' are countable, even to the population of the Earth, so always use 'number' of people. (Never 'amount' of people)

To sum up: If the quantity is, even only theoretically, countable use 'number' to describe it. If the quantity has no countable quality use 'amount'.

Confused yet? I would be MORE than willing to give my opinion on any questionable usage.

with love,
