Bob Arnold

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It has been almost three years since my uncle passed away.He would have been so proud to be a great great uncle but I know he is watching down on my daughter and will make sure that she is a great mom, not a day goes by that I don't miss him and wish he was here especially when I'm having a computer problem or just need a listening ear. I know he is watching over all of us and I'm glad he is with his mother they both are making sure everything goes well for my daughter. I thought I would drop in and let u all know how the family was doing and that we miss him greatly....he would be the one on the computer making sure everyone knew he was a great great uncle


Thanks, hon.

erin's picture

I think and even speak of Bob almost every day. His name has come up two or three times just today. He is missed, not just for his knowledge but for his loving heart.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Thank u Erin and I find

Thank u Erin and I find myself more now mentioning him....I hope that the new baby will be able to understand how big his heart was and I'm going to do everything to make sure she knows of her great great uncle Bob and what he did and how loved he was


Still missed

What more can a man receive once they passed on?


Bob's Legacy

Piper's picture

NinjaBaby Eats Sweet PotatoesI miss talking to Bob often.... Especially whenever we run into issues with the server, or start having dreams of grandeur like opening our own data center.

Since Bob passed, and even since we (you and I) last messaged/talked, I've gotten engaged, had a baby (today he got to try Sweet Potatoes for the VERY FIRST time), and BigCloset has nearly tripled in size! (All but the last would have been a surprise to Bob.)

I'm so glad you came back for the third year to celebrate Bob's memory. Many of us have fond memories of him that we love to talk about, like when I told him about basically finding an old VAX server in working order on the side of the road and he accused me of being able to come out of a room full of horse s**t smelling like roses. :)

And remember, if you ever want to talk or need computer help, we are here for you.


"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

He would have been surprised

He would have been surprised that the site has tripled in size....I sometimes forgot how much he did but being back on here reminds me and it let's me know how much he was cared for......I'm going to print some of the comments about him for a book I'm starting so the new baby will know of him and how much people cared about him.....I'm glad I finally have the time to look at his sites and update about the family thank u everyone for the kind words and piper if u have an email address can u send it to me so if I have computer problems I can contact u


Bob is always missed,

for all he did for us in the TG genre, for all he did to help everyone, for his skill as a writer, and for his gentle and caring heart.

I seriously doubt that his name will ever be forgotten, nor will his deeds and skills. He is missed now, and will be missed in the future and, as long as he is remembered, he will always be with us in our hearts.

Thank you for keeping us informed and letting us know more about the man who was Bob.

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Never met Bob...

I hear him mentioned often. He must have been a wonderful guy and I just wish I had stopped by to visit when I was out his way.

I am happy that his family remembers him with fondness and hope that you continue to do well.

Much Peace

Gwen Brown

Bob is greatly missed, it is

Bob is greatly missed, it is good to know his family is well and expanding.

Big hugs

Lizzie :)


Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p

Nothing But Admiration

I had nothing but admiration for your wonderful uncle. Being a radio amateur licensee and a computer hobbyist myself, I found Bob's real-life accomplishments, the things he built and linked together, just marvelous. I wish I had his knowledge, creativity and diligence. As for his tremendous generosity of spirit, and vice versa, almost no one has that.


Was a longtime friend and I still miss him, the conversations we had in IM and by phone, and just his caring presence. I'm glad to hear his family is doing well and am sure he's watching over all of you. We all lost a good one when he went away.



It seems impossible so much time has passed. I hadn't read his Zapped story until a few months ago. Everything he wrote, everything he touched, all he did for our community remind me of his loss.

Thank you for dropping a note and letting us know how you are doing.

Hugs, and Blessings,


could do more with a few kind words than most could with entire books or anything else you care to name. His caring came across no matter the media.
Thank you so much for the update. :)