I have a question for the team and it concerns the order in which stuff appears.
The user menu - or the member's menu is situated half way down the page and although I have a lightning-fast connection, when I think the page has loaded and scroll down to the member's menu, it appears to jump.
It's caught me out several times now and there I am lining up my mouse with the "My Stories" option, only to have the darned thing jump on me and wind up clicking "Home" - which is where I already am.
I've even tried waiting a few seconds, thinking that perhaps something didn't load, but to no avail. The darned menu jumped again.
This is not a complaint, merely something I have only noticed happening recently and wonder if there's a bit of a glitch or something.
I wonder whether with more people placing images in the story synopses, this is causing the menu and its placement to be joggled slightly as pictures load.
Would it be possible to put it back where it used to be - at the top?
I've noticed the jumping too
I have mainly noticed it on story selection. I'll line up to select a story and by the time I click the screen has jumped and I end up selecting another story than the one I intended. I thought it might be a new mechanism to get us to try other authors work ;>)
If it helps those who try to exorcise these demons I'm using Firefox 28.0
This happens on my tablet too!
Particularly when in first click on to the site, intakes a few seconds to settle in it seems. I just thought it was the tablets OS. Hugs Talia
Me to
I have to wait for something to finish loading before I try to click on anything.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
I may have fixed this...
The funny thing is that the new faster loading front page may have been the only reason anyone started noticing the problem. Which had to do with the interaction between the Google search box and the center menu in the header. :)
We admins had not noticed the problem because the page ALWAYS jumps for us because of a special admin menu loaded at the top that moves everything down a line.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
It's much better now :)
Thank you, Erin.
It didn't happen today, so it looks like you were right :)