Is spelling important?

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handling bread.png



looks like i go hungry mine is to short for that use

Heh. I'd pay to see someone

Heh. I'd pay to see someone open that bread case and lick each roll, in full view of the employees.

Call me pedantic, but I won't patronize a business that takes little care of its signage or adverts. It makes me wonder what else they're careless of.


You seem to be on the hunt for the weird today.

By the way, you can buy the dehydrated water in either a case of 36 or single cans. See my post on that subject.


Dry Water

Puddintane's picture

If so, you've probably identified an e-Bay opportunity, since they're selling an off-brand knock-off for US$9.95...

Dehydrated Water in Can




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style

Is spelling important? Oh yes.

While I laughed of course at what the sign says, it took me a little time to work out what they were actually trying to say. I agree with kris1 - you have to wonder what they might have put in the bread by mistake!


Just a second here, ...

They might be roll models and/or perhaps they are to be used as large dumplings in a Halloween bob for the dumpling soup?