Jazz is her name .....
I don't remember seeing this on this site.
I apologise if someone else posted it already.
I googled "transgendered Jazz" after seeing this and there were a lot more hits than I expected.
Have a good day
One of the new breed.
Yes, Jazz is one of the products of the new protocol. She began living as a girl at age 4 or 5, depending upon who you talk to. And, with parental support she is developing into a charming young woman.
Thank God she is not having to deal with such nonsense as many of the rest of us have. That I should have officially started living as a woman at age. That I should have waited until I was 58 years of age to officially begin open life as a woman was totally insane. What the hell was I thinking?
Jazz, you go girl !!!
Khadijah Gwen Bint Boucher
....apart from a handful of folks who were public in their transition, our generation was left with little if any support. Some with well-meaning but ignorant parents. Some with angry families and friends. And some in abusive places even before we ever dreamed of telling anyone who we were. What you were thinking? Maybe this will help, given the abusive situations many of us, including you and me, were in? My therapist asked me this once:
"If your Dad was willing to beat you with a leather belt to the point of raising welts on your legs just for throwing eggs at a shed, what do you suppose he would have done if you came out to him?"
I might not see the light of day, so to speak, but I am very glad to rejoice with girls like Jazz, who live and breathe and have a future that includes exactly who they know themselves to be!
Love, Andrea Lena
We did come out.
I know that my story is not that unique. I did try to be a girl around age 4, and my Mom had previously raised me as a girl, and my birth name is Gwen.
My step father was a much abused Amish man. He promised to kill me if I did not do as he wished.
Me too....
http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/30562/invitation < This happened exactly as written.
Love, Andrea Lena
Not talking about it again.
I am not going to compete with anyone about whose treatment was worst.
Oh, no...
...I just wanted you to know I understand; I cannot begin to imagine nor should I dare to compare my hurt with yours, dear heart. I'm sorry I left the absolutely wrong impression. I apologize with all my heart. I consider you one of my heroes, and I never meant to say anything other than to support you. I am so sorry.
Love, Andrea Lena
I was wrong
And I was a complete bitch to boot. I read what you said wrong and completely misinterpreted it. It is I who am sorry for behaving badly.
Gwen, Drea
Hugs to both of you
I remember seeing the original
of this in 2007, I'm pleased to see she's continuing to receive support from her family and that she and they are fighters, she's going to need all the support she can get. Good luck to her and her family.
I posted a comment on Bailey's story a few minutes ago, which can be summed up as "If only..."
That is what I felt watching that video, and then I saw the internet comment "Kill it with fire"
Lucky, lucky girl, but still so far to go for all of us in this world.