More jewel boxesr?

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Is there any chance of creating some older jewel boxes? I'm sure there are lots of stories that people would enjoy if they knew they were there!!



Retro Classic Hunting

A Jewel Box 5 years would make hunting down potential Retro Classics a lot easier. At least by my standards. For me to consider a story a Retro Classic, I want it to a) have been started at least 5 years ago and b) be either completed or a reasonable explanation why it's incomplete (Author Existence Failure being the most valid explanation).

Susan Brown's Football Girl is a perfect example of what I'd nominate as a potential Retro Classic. It was started in 2008, so over 5 years ago, and is complete as it stands right now. (Sequel not withstanding.)

New Jewel Box

erin's picture

There's a new jewel box, 5-6 years. It shows the stories from 5 years ago, going back to six years ago, one hundred on a page.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.