In the last year we've lost Holly Hart to pancreatic cancer. Since her death I've lost a good friend, and the husband of my first cousin to the same scourge. This is such a horrible disease because by the time it's discovered, it is usually too late for the victim. Let's home they can find a solution and cure soon.
too sad...
This month marks the tenth anniversary of my sister Joann's passing from uterine cancer. My mom died from bone cancer. All three of her sisters as well as my dad's younger sister succumbed from cancer. Prayer is a very good start
Love, Andrea Lena
It is indeed a terrible disease
But a month or so ago a Japanese researcher found I cure that uses mRNA to cause the cancer cells to revert to normal cells. There is hope for future suffers. Provided that Putin does not bring the world down around our feet.
Some Hope
My Brother in law is in his second year of remission after surgery with Kemo treatments