Missing stories - list and updates

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As far as we can tell the list of stories that were missing after the maintenance were as follows.

1. The Football Player etc part 5 (Portia Bennett)
2. Dancing Queen 15 (Louise Anne)
3. The Haight (Karin Bishop)
4. Mum's Encouragement ch 18 (Lucy J)
5. Friday's episode of Bike (Angharad)
6. A Star is born (Amethyst)
7. When Your Tabula Is Not Rasa 8 (Kaleigh Way)

All have been reposted. If you spot one that has been missed please comment below and comment again if that then gets reposted.



I've noticed no one's mentioned.....

This yet, but stories weren't the only things missing. Anyone who posted comments during that period of time will find there missing as well. Just thought I'd point this out as well. Loving Hugs Talia

Yes, please

erin's picture

Missing comments and kudos are keenly felt by authors so it is good to think of replacing them, too.

There are a couple of blogs missing too, but two of the people I have talked to about that have indicated they will not repost their efforts, which is fine, too.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

PM messages

tmf's picture

have been missing too.!

Tanks to the Big Closet staff for all your good work.

Peace and Love