Great day shopping

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I had a great day shopping.

The first part of November my oldest daughter, through no fault of her own, became homeless in Phoenix and had thirty days to vacate and no place to go. So I dug into my savings and flew her home the first week in December.

This is the girl who had trouble with my cross-dressing as she grew up. Her sister, on the other hand, took it in stride. Number one daughter seemed to mellow shortly before she moved to Arizona, two years ago, to the point of taking the pictures you've see of me here.

Since she's been here, she has taken it in stride that, at home, Dad dresses in women's clothes each evening and sleeps in a nightgown at night. Today, it was a real test of just how at ease she was with the whole idea. In the quick departure she ended up short of several things, essential things... like underwear.

Like last week, I told her that I was planning a day out today and would be picking up some new undies for me (I've lost two sizes, yeah) and for her mother and would be willing to pick up some for her. She told me that she was kind of particular as to what kind she wore and would want to pick them out for herself, wanting to know if I'd mind her coming along. In response I explained that I'd be going "girlie" and if she was OK with that, I didn't mind at all.

Well when I was all dressed and ready to go, she reiterated that she wanted to come along. She had no trouble walking around the mall with me and helped me pick out a purse in return, I sorted through the on sale panty bin to help her find her size. She went with me when I checked out and we chatted with the sales clerk. All the while, you'd have thought it was mother and daughter out shopping rather than (cross-dressed) father and daughter.

She came home all chipper and talking to her mother about our trip.

It was great to have a family member out and about with me. My only regret was that we got a late start and didn't have time to troll the mall and check out some other store and may do lunch together.


Yes, it is

Although it has its funny moments. My ex and I were just sorta day trippin around town when my son called to tell us he had to work late. We were not far from the large store in which he worked so we decided to pop in to say "Hi". As he showed us around, he took us towards the back where the mechanics assembled and tweaked the bicycles and where racers hung out.
"Hey guys come meet my family. I think most of you know my Mom, Toni. This is my Dad, Joani." I damn near dropped dead on the spot.
But, here comes a whole wave of hugs and some cheek kisses and all was well. Shocked the devil right out of me. However, it was San Francisco so...
