Stories by 'N' from Dani O'Neill's old website.

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Hi all,

Quite some years ago when the author Dani O'Neill/Pretty Sissy Dani had one of her older websites and was writing fiction still, she had some stories by an author that just went by the name 'N', called The Box, Summer Vacation (I think) and there were two others I can't remember the names of now. Sadly I lost my copies of these stories some time ago, and so has Dani it turns out. Does anyone have copies of these saved down (preferably with the images)that they would be willing to share?




Andrea Lena's picture

Go to:
When you get there, type in That will take you to the archived pages of Storysite. Go to links and you'll find a link to Dani's pages. You might have to go to more than one year of Storysite before you find a workable link for Dani.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena