Study claims cyclists are intelligent, charitable, cool

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'Cyclists are more intelligent, charitable and cool than the average person' says study.

A new survey has revealed our love for Lycra-clad cyclists, after a study suggested people perceive them as more intelligent and charitable than the average person.

In a psychological study conducted by scientists at Mindlab, an implicit association test examined people’s subconscious attitudes towards different sports and found people think cyclists have a unique blend of intelligence, generosity and the "cool factor".

Needless to say, given the study was commissioned to commemorate the BHF's 39th London to Brighton Bike Ride, there may be an element of bias (the full results of which apparently aren't online), so it's probably about as useful as those social network personality tests, but those who enjoy getting around by pedal power may enjoy reading the article nonetheless :)

I also discovered a slightly different Top Gear clip to usual: a race across London by bicycle, car, public transport and speedboat. No prizes for guessing which mode won the race, and (perhaps shockingly for TG but unsurprisingly for London) which mode came last...


Pedal Power

Podracer's picture

Heh - I don't need to see a study to know that.
(Coughs) They left out "modest"..

Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."

Top Gear clip

I have watched that episode several times on BBC America. It is quite enjoyable to watch. I think that it would have been even more hilarious if they had filmed it during a rain storm or winter weather :)

I Think...

Bikies are more 'green', too. They are probably more into recycling (no pun intended) and fuel and electricity conservation.

"Remember: We Clean Your Air With Our Lungs!"

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

On the other hand...

Puddintane's picture

...their safety leaves much to be desired, and what data there is available is poorly understood.

Unlike almost every other form of public transportation, many accidents on bicycles leave no traceable evidence behind.




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style

Not to mention

rebecca.a's picture

their safety leaves much to be desired

Indeed. This is a funny video that makes a serious point. I know things have improved in Manhattan recently, but it's still a horrible place to ride, and most of the problems haven't been fixed with the bike lanes.

not as think as i smart i am

It is extremely dangerous to ride bike...

... The most common injury for bikers is not a collar bone fracture. It is cranium base fracture.
Also riding bike is not "green" in any way as typical car has lot lower per mile CO2 emission then cyclist or pedestrian.
If you consider emissions done to produce food for cyclist - dirtiest car is much better for environment!
Also about 15 years ago there was a study showing that riding bycicle in the city is bad for your health: benefits from the activity dwarfed by breathing car exhausts, dust and other typical city pollutants.


Maddy Bell's picture

but we recycle the carbon into the bikes so that scrubs that argument!

Its clear you are a motorhead for which no-one has any love so get a bike and go ride in the mountains!


Madeline Anafrid Bell

I am a motorhead... on the bike :-)

I'm in no way sport bike person, by I was a member of local velo club in my day :-) And even participated in multy day bike excursions.
Where I live, you need to be certified as crazy to ride bike during weekdays. Dangers are aplenty and varied: potholes, open manholes, storm drains designed to kill bikers, rabid dogs, rabid motorists, ice and snow for half a year ;-)

P.S. rereading Gaby at the moment...

While waiting for the next book... Nena is next in the queue :-)
PPS. I've actually bought many of your books, but strangely web formatting seems to be more comfortable to read.


The most common injury for cyclists is NOT a skull fracture. Full stop. Head injuries are far more common for pedestrians and car occupants than for cyclists.

Your point about carbon dioxide emissions is also nonsense, as you are clearly ignoring the emissions by the car's passengers. Plus, carbon monoxide and dioxide are far from the only pollutants churned out by cars.

Food production emissions? Car and fuel production emissions vastly outweigh them, and the same food is eaten by car occupants.

And finally, you point out that cyclists (and everyone else) in cities suffer because of cars and their pollution.

So... was your post a joke?

Pointless survey

I could have told them that from personal and extensive experience and from meeting 1000's of fellow cyclists.

My early cycle commuting and touring was done wearing tweed plus twos and a greenspot cotton jacket before Lycra was even invented :) I remember my first pair of skin shorts (with genuine chamois pad - before I became a vegetarian). It was like cycling naked LOL


I never watch anything that has that loathsome oaf Jeremy Clarkson in it. He's on record as threatening to run over any cyclist that got in his way. Sadly he went to a public (that's a private one in the UK)school near us at Repton.

But when you see Jeremy...

... in a little black dress he looks divine.

The problem is that he's simply no good at driving when he's wearing his stilettos.

Build A Sentence Using The Following Words: Clarkson. Lift. Hell

Clarkson is what we in north-east England call a 'smarmy get'. Until you visit Hartlepool you'll have no idea just how much of an insult that is.

Cyclists are brilliant. They come up with all sorts of ideas, never knowing just how far from a decent chip shop their travels will take them.


The sausage, cheese and bean bread bun-pasty. Don't forget, you saw it here first.

But whatever you do, don't go cycling in these.


Not even you, Beverly.

Ban nothing. Question everything.


Angharad's picture

Come in all shapes and sizes. Some ride wisely and some as badly as the maniacs in motor vehicles. I try to ride safely and with attention to other road users, many of whom seem intent on trying to kill me.



Bikes often beat cars in New York also, Bike messengers can go from Battery Park to the Upper East side faster as long as the rider is fit.


Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.

The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune