The Daily Wail does the usual dirty trick of using irrelevant material in a the tragic story of an astonishing accident, where a large Red Deer stag charged a group of people in a driveway and unfortunately badly injured one of them. A chance in a million. incident.
or in the Guardian:
Anyway, I'm sure we all wish her a speedy recovery.
On a lighter note, Happy New Year from me an' my two assistants.
The Question is why the
The big question is why the dailymail felt then needed to say she is transgender . The sad out come is the same information that was not needed homophobic editor yah think
What, no law yet?
It does seem relatively straight forward to make it unlawful to identify anyone other than by their desired gender.
The Equality Act 2010 has some words on that, but it is mainly tied to people such as public officials revealing the facts. Unless they obtain the information illegally, I don't believe it covers either journalists or people who write for the Mail.
What a difference in headlines in the two stories.
Amazing accident as well.
Hope you and your staff also have a wonderful new year and that this time in 2014 you're able to say you had a wonderful year!
I'd expect ...
I'd expect little better from the Daily Mail. I think it should be registered as an obscene publication and wrapped in a sealed polythene envelope then placed on the top shelf out of reach of children.
Now I know ...
... why I subscribe to the Guardian. I read this story over breakfast because it seemed such a shocking thing to happen. I had no idea the victim was TG just that she was an engineer on holiday in Scotland.
What a revolting rag the Mail is. My grandmother always called it the Daily Liar, and she died back in 1968 so not much changes.
Happy New Year to you too. Many happy miles beneath your wheels and many pleasurable keystrokes on your PC (though that's a selfish wish)
I saw the report on Aunty Beeb, and at no point did it mention her nature. She was just a woman. Typical Daily Hate report.
Last night, by coincidence, I was talking to a colleague (Yes, I worked the night shift) and he asked me what the proper terms were for people who have transitioned. My answer was "Men and women"
I agree
'Last night, by coincidence, I was talking to a colleague (Yes, I worked the night shift) and he asked me what the proper terms were for people who have transitioned. My answer was "Men and women."'