The bad news is that I am mourning the death of a very important member of my computer, affectionately referred to as "the beast." He was an old laptop, 7 years aged, or 700 in computer years, and his presence will be missed.
What this means though, is that since I am basically borrowing pc's for the foreseeable future, updates will be spotty.
On a possibly related note, I've noticed many of the more experienced authors on here are also on kindle. How hard is that to achieve, really? I've been working on a little gem of a story for a bit over a's nearing completion and I'm kind of hoping it'll pay for a new beast.
It sucks being poor.
Happy to talk you through it
Where do you live?
If you're close to Cadillac, Michigan, I can lend you a computer. It'll just be a matter of gathering spare parts together and building it.
expect to get rich quick!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
I agree
I have two books on Kindle and am now rolling in dough, NOT. I was just happy to get a check from Amazon because it felt neat, but I blew the whole thing on dinner with my wife. Thank God I have my business or I'd be on the corner with a sign asking for money if I relied on book sales. It's fun to publish and it doesn't cost anything unless you have someone do a cover for you, but as Maddy says, don't expect to get rich. Top selling authors are few and far between, Arecee
Really hope I can at least make minimum wage at it, can't find a job to save my life.
If not well, guess I cross that bridge after I get anything on kindle.
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I appreciate the comments; I'll shoot you a pm once I feel the story is complete, which should be in a week or so, tops.
I don't live anywhere close to Michigan, I live in the hell known as Illinois. Thank you for the offer.
As for getting rich? Nah...I'll settle for being able to pay bills.
being able to pay bills is sweet.
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Illinois isn't hell
I once had a person tell me to wait and the weather will change multiple times in one day here in our twilight zone known as Illinois, and I live in Peoria. Born and raised and can't escape as I struggle to get by. I built a desktop computer system from part's I got on spoon river drive, so if you can tell me what went out on your laptop we might be able to get it running for awhile.
Peoria huh? Small world, I live near Chamapign.
And it was either the backlight, or the screen itself. My money is on the backlight, but if it's the screen, then it's truly RIP, because that screen is a very expensive older model wuva lcd capable of 1080p...17.3 inches.
Gateway, the maker of the beast, actually switched screens to a cheaper one after making the first thousand or so of the line in order to save cost, so I don't see myself putting a brand new on into a 7 year old laptop.
Just not worth the expense.
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If it's the screen you could
If it's the screen you could try to hook up your laptop to an external monitor and see if it still works. Sometimes I hook up my notebook to an external monitor and keyboard and use it as a desktop replacement. If it works all you need to do then is to change the energy settings so you can close the lid while plugged in without turning it off or going into standby.
Tried it.
I tried it, the laptop is seven years old, it barely supports split screen and won't switch it's primary screen, even from bios...something to do with a combination of the graphics card and the OS.
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Was in Champaign/Urbana on thanksgiving at my sisters
As it is a bit of a drive I won't get down there very much, but when I do I will try to stop by and say hello. Hopefully your computer problems are solved soon.
Sure thing, drop me a line if you're coming, we can try to meet up. :)
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I too just buried my old XP computer upgraded to windows 7 so to all old faithful friendly computers R I P old friend
Do you have a monitor,
Do you have a monitor, keyboard and a mouse? I think I have a complete desktop you could have for the cost of mailing it to you.
I'll have to double check, as I'm in the middle of moving, but I'm fairly sure I have an ITX size machine that was a file server briefly. Not a gaming machine but a good solid working machine.
Wow the people at this site continually surprise me. To be honest, since I've used a laptop almost exclusively for years, I'm not sure....but rest assured I'll be checking.
With an affirmative answer, I'll hopefully be able to either mail it back to you eventually or pay you market value for it.
Thank you very much for the offer.
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