Edit tab?

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Hi all,

I know there is supposed to be an 'edit' tab for my stories, but I can't find it. Is it just because it is my first story and it takes some time? If not, what do I need to do? I seem to have botched the image tag... I am not used to this tagging just yet... :D


Are you logged in?

If the site doesn't know you're you, you won't see the Edit tab.

Logged in...

But I will redo it and see if it makes a diff.


Erin will fix you

when she gets back in 1 hour :)

She has to put you in the server as an author.



I appreciate it!


The three people you meet...

erin's picture

The three people who could have upgraded your account were all out of touch with the site for a couple of hours. :) Sorry about that. You should be able to edit and see your numbers now. This is a security feature, not upgrading accounts automatically. It also reminds me to do other housekeeping like adding you to the author menu.

Welcome to BCTS and thanks for posting.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Yep, you guys are good.

thliwent's picture

I knew that's how it worked when I posted so putting in 'new author' and just waited, think it took a while for me, mostly because I posted really late at night.

However, the lone 'new author' listing is rather obvious once you guys are on the job, so I had no worries :)

Thanks, All!

Thanks for the welcome and getting me sorted out!