I know a lot of readers here eschew the output on FM but I'd like to recommend 'Ms Yates' by Dreamweaver. It's just finished and I think most people here would appreciate it. So override your prejudices and have a read :). It's garnered very few comments and it deserves more.
I'm in a pretty bad place myself right now (nothing to do with sexual identity as much as general depression brought on by partly by short, miserable days and long dark evenings) but this has gone a small way to cheer me up.
I'll Second Robyn's Recommendation
DreamWeaver's Ms Yates is very good as is DreamWeaver's Sharon's Journey series and the sequel, A Woman is Full.
There are lots of nice stories on FM.
FM in general is more slanted towards erotics but Malissa Madison stories are quite catching as well as A Life Accidentally Planned  by Maryann C. One of the good features of FM is quite nice search with keywords and categories which allows you to filter only things you are comfortable with... Some times... :-)
I guess I'm a bit of a prude
I'll pass on "Mrs. Yates" because of the R rating just as I pass on most cautions and explicit or adult tags here. Since I download everything I read to my hard drive, if it has the potential to be something I can't defend if my grandchildren happened on it while borrowing my computer then I pass on it. I feel I can justify reading TG material if the content is otherwise G or no more than PG rated.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
I must say
That Ms. Yates was very enjoyable and also recommend
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Not eschewed by me
Fictionmania is a great site.
I have great admiration for the folks there, as well as for the folks here, who keep such amazing, entertaining and creative spaces open and who are so professional and low key in how they moderate and manage the resources they offer.
A couple of the coolest sites on the web.
Thanks for the recommendation Robyn
Seasonal Affective "Disorder"
SAD, I know it well. It is another breed of Black Dog entirely. Fortunately, there is now a variety of indoor lighting products that produce a spectrum of white light similar to sunlight, which help to alleviate this autonomic hibernation response to the cold, dark days of winter. When I experience it here, I can just imagine how badly it must affect you, living so much farther north.