With today being Veteran's Day for my American readers and Rememberance Day for the Canadians. I DO NOT know if this day is honored in other countries and I apologise for this. Please take the time to think about those that fought in in past wars, and thank these men and women. This includes those that made the Supreme Sacrifice. THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO SACRIFICED AND FOUGHT FOR MY FREEDOMS!
Harold Percival
It's Remembrance Day in the UK. Just about everything came to a standstill at 11.00 for the customary two minutes silence.
Here's a touching story about one ceremony that was held in Lancashire today.
For the time I served under the Clinton Administration and ending up in Kosovo You are welcome and though I may not have liked the president at that time I enjoyed my time in the service, It can and was for me a pleasure to serve.
It used to be such a big deal here
but as the vets of the Second World War pass on, the new generation has drifted away from paying attention.
Thank you!
...a timely reminder of how good we do have it because of the sacrifice of others.
Love, Andrea Lena
Le Tombeau De Couperin
Never let it be said that you don't get high-brow stuff on this site
Seriously, this is beautiful. And very appropriate.
Ravel Wrote Some Beautiful Music
.. in honor of his fallen WW I comrades. He drove an ambulance, and I believe he might have been gassed.
I'd post either a thoughtful or snarky picture here, but I already did that on this site. I know that pic I posted was for Memorial Day and not Veteran's Day, but the thought and the message are still the same. Here's the link to it.
Peace be with you and Blessed be
Excellent portrayal...
Thank you!
Love, Andrea Lena
thank a veteran
I serve this country back in the 70's it was a time of protest about what was going on in Vietnam. I was over there and to come home to be spit on wasn't a welcome home that can be shared. I thought I was doing the right thing.
from a vet
To those of you who have no idea of what we have been through but still say thank you... from a grateful vet Thank You, it was our honor
Times have really changed!
I thought Veteran's Day was on the way out when my company changed Nov. 11 from being a holiday to granting a "floating day." However, since 9/11 people have become much more aware of those who have served their country and why.
When I separated from the Air Force after six year's service during the Vietnam era, it was often best to keep your head down and avoid admitting you had been in the military. Of course, it's not like I had a lot of choice about going in. It was either enlist or be drafted. Since it was involuntary, the war became unpopular in a hurry.
Unfortunately, stories like those about Lt. Calley's outfit didn't help matters with the public either. In spite of a few instances like that, we felt like we were doing something important. And several good people I served with didn't come back. I found their names on a black wall in Washington, D.C. the last time I was there.
In my father's era after WW II, a person in uniform never had to buy his or her own drink in a bar. We found, after a few incidents, we just ducked our heads down and didn't say anything about our service.
In the past few years, however, things have changed. When people see the "Veteran" licence plate on my car, more often than not they come up and say "Thank you for your service."
So, in a very real way, every day has become Veteran's Day.
Armed Forces in the UK
11th of November is the Official day of Remembrance for the War Dead in the UK ,The Parades and ceremonies are held on the Sunday nearest to the 11th so as not to disrupt the working week.
This however is the only day were the country or some of show any respect for for the wars fought by the men and women in this country.
Oh there will be some that say I'm wrong but on this I'm right.
The people of the UK complain about our forces being in Afghanistan but once the conflict for or part has ended the Forces will once again be forgotten.
Neither the British Public or the Government give a Damn about our service people to them we are expendible and are largely ignored.
The Forces are just a tool used by the Government when they want to Break Strikes, Kow-Tow to who ever is president of the US.
The Government has closed all our military hospital and made thousands redundant.
They are Low paid, poorly equipped and are led by fools (That fact hasn't changed in over a hundred years). The services in the UK are an election winner usually as proved by Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair.
How do I know this ?
I was a Soldier for 23 yrs and when I needed help, Government department turned me down, I have less rights than an Immigrant or an asylum seeker and definately less rights than an Asian or a Muslim.
And No I'm not Racist just bloody angry at the way the services are treated and the way the public patronise ex-service personnel by supposedly showing respect for about 1 hour every year