Non-TG by me

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If anyone is interested, I have been posting some of my stories and serials at the new



adding a shameless plug

Healing a Princess is also being posted at Fictioneer.... other stories will follow.


It looks like you're posting it under a psuedonym over there - trying to keep your genres separate?


When I first joined B.C. I didn't want TG stories associated with the name I hope to one day publish under. so I created a psuedonym. sorry. But I belive there are a bunch of us on this site with psuedonyms. HaP will be posted on other sites under my hopefully published name, which also happens to be a psuedonym :) but thanks for pointing it all out. I hope that doesn't burst anyone's bubble.



I have been writing under a psuedonym. When I found out that there was a well-known author named Billie Sue, I added a last name to my pen name and closed with a copyright notice under my legal name.

All great writers did that. Remember Mark Twain.

I plan to use my legal name under stories written for "Fictioneer".

Billie Sue

Billie Sue

Erin set it up, I've had a peak, looks nice

Erin set it up to replace the defunct previous incarnation of Fictioneer.

She has a link here. At the moment she says it's on a slow server but it loaded okay for Mr Dial-Up here.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

That's because

At present, it's low-content and low-traffick!

There are only 4 authors posting as of yet, though the Authors List has more, and there are others with author accounts. Some are just waiting for Erin to be done with the maiden flight shakedown. Me? I like to live dangerously... well, sorta... I think all my pointing out of boo-boos is probably getting me in danger of Admin/Joyce booting me out!

you and me both

I helped to find a few skeletons in the code as well. :( I just don't speak computer languages or codes or what ever it is called now adays.


Me too

I hated sending Erin that PM to point out what I found, but in the end it was beneficial.

Nevertheless, I do hate upsetting her. I seem to be able to do that fairly easily with people round here without having to add legitimate reasons to it too!

I wish the enterprise every success and hope it takes off...