Cringe Worthy Stories: Embarassment or Progress? Or Both ... ?

So the last couple stories I've submitted were explained as Warts & All.
Why would I do this? Why admit to my goofs? Why not retool them, apply a severe edit, or even just update the material?

Because, for me at least, the process is as interesting as the final product. And sometimes what amazes me is that readers can often operate on faith alone, working through some fairly awkward paragraphing or other errors, if they think the plot worth following.

Now ... Are We Not Men? & Embers Dying, Spark The Flame ( both from the 90's ) were not the worst things I'd put out - that's reserved for a contest submission to Sapphire's (1997 ) called MesmerMaid ( a faux historic drama, which is also at Fictionmania ) and I will not be putting it up here. It was a half decent idea that went terribly wrong. But if you can't laugh at failed efforts - how can you improve your craft?

Ok, this wasn't meant to be a lecture, as sometimes I do ramble, but the question is in the subject heading and open to both writers and readers alike.

What were some of our most cringe worthy stories we've done, and how did it help us down the road? I hope this will be treated as a fun bit of self analysis and reflection upon where we're going as writers. Have fun with our flaws, fellow scribblers.

Way Zim