Sick again

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This time it's a strain of influenza that has laid low this not-so-intrepid heroine... More posty bit and such tomorrow. I'm going to be going home early and cuddling the cat.



Our cat would cuddle for about four-fifths of a second before scratching whatever part of my anatomy was nearest, to ribbons.

However you do it, get well soon.



This is the cat I'm cuddling:

She was raised by a dog, and really thinks she's a dog. She's awesome. Mothers me when I'm all sick... or even just not feeling well. I am the only one that can do just about anything to this cat and she not retaliate for real (she'll hiss and bare fangs & claws, but would never EVER break skin) other than her 'Mommy'

As I tell everyone....

POTATO SOUP!!!! potato soup and a thick, heavy quilt and of course lots of liquids.... a good story always helps, but that is mostly if your eyes aren't watering so bad that you can't see. :)

Get better Edeyn


p.s. potato soup

A.A.'s potato soup recipe

Anistasia's recipe for Potato soup.

Dice your spuds into medium size. and put in pot (I like them with the skins on, after all that is where the vitamins are)

add milk to just cover the potatoes and a stick of butter
put on medium heat.

in a small fry pan coated with olive oil add:

diced onion or leeks if you prefer (Nick)
diced bacon.
cook until onions are translucent and bacon is cooked.

drain off the fat and add to the potatoes.

add minced or crushed garlic and seasonings to taste.... i use oregano, salt, lots of pepper
sometimes i'll add diced ham.

cook until potatoes are soft and the milk has become creamy.

ladle into a bowl and add shredded cheese over the top, diced onions if you like a bite, and more pepper.

or if you want to be a bit snobby about it, (Nick) ladle into a bread bowl and serve with golden spoon

Mmmm Mmmmm Good.

Have you tried a hot toddy?

If Toddy's not available, try cocoa made with milk and Baileys Irish cream. It's rich but it tastes real good.

forget the mixers.....

forget the mixers..... just burn it out with Vodka,Tequilla or whiskey

or if you can stomach it. a Mexican friend of mine always ate habenaro's to burn out the virus and or bacteria. he swore that by eating 3 habenaro's a day that he NEVER got sick. of course, i'd get sick from trying to eat just one habenaro. :)



but I find the hangover is often worse than the malady.

I suggest that the best course of action is a nice cup of tea and a nice long hug from a loved one. This never fails despite words to the contrary.



There's an old Russian remedy, lay in a four poster bed, hang a hat on one of the posts on the foot, drink vodka until you see two hats, in the morning you will be cured!

Mr. Ram


Or is it just that you cease to worry about the flu, because the banging in your head won't stop?

I presume that for those of us without a four-poster, a hat rack (or in my case, having neither - a boom mic stand)will do?

Perhaps I'll give it a go. After all, it's no more expensive than a bottle of cough mixture is it?






Could you e-mail me a bowl? It smells heavenly over my CRT.

John in snowy as F***ing H*** Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

of course my favorite way.....

of course my favorite way to make one feel better when sick is to cuddle up with a loved one and snuggle or spoon while watching T.V. and drifing in and out of sleep, knowing that someone that you love is there for you, to take care of you and to give you the love and care that you deserve

get well soon


That'd be nice

but not only do I not have someone, I'm not likely to ever have anyone again.

I wouldn't be so sure

If this old fart can find someone, so can you.

I have high hopes for you and finger's crossed.


hope yr better real soon

laika's picture

Edeyn do get well. And when you do- please start time again!
While Feb 13 is a fine date, it's been the 13th three days in a row
and it's starting to freak me out! And I'm getting tired of that same song
coming on my clock radio (at 6:10 exactly) over & over & over & over!
~~hugs, Laika

(and my kitty Gojira is the best, loves everyone, trusting & guileless and so so sweet...)

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Gojira? LOL

erin's picture

There is the little matter of flamethrower breath and lasers from the eyes. :)

Get well soon, Edeyn.

- Erin

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.