People who orate

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Normally I don't blog as I cant type worth a stink(ie very slow, 2 fingers)but after reading that Philbin's little rant about reaction to his news column, I gotta speak out. granted this butt head is a bigot and a pompous ass, I finally got his whole complaint. He just hates liberals, especially when he is shown for what he is, stupid, arrogant, self centered, & just really in love with himself.
That being said, it is true we all have the right to our on opinion, that is what I fought to defend, that right among others in this great land. However there is a caveat with that right, you are asking for it when you trod on others as you spout your great opinion. As my late father always said " opinions are like butt holes, everyone has one & to others they all stink".
So my advice to this wag is only this, if you are going to poke a rattlesnake with a stick, expect to get bitten. If you do ,don't cry to me about it.

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