All of a sudden there's a "captcha?" to access the site when I'm sending a PM?
Disregard. I apparently included too much text in the PM I was sending.
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
All of a sudden there's a "captcha?" to access the site when I'm sending a PM?
Disregard. I apparently included too much text in the PM I was sending.
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Nothing to do with PMs
I got hit by the captcha posting SEE chapter 93. The first time I have ever seen one at this site.
I don't like things like that, especially when posting a big form.
I'm assuming it is just one of Erin's ways to keep the spammers out, although I did note it came from Cloudflare, not BCTS.
CloudFlare CAPTCHA's
Cloudflare uses an alogrithm to present CAPTCHA's to random posters, the algorithm tries to target suspected spammers but there is a certain amount of randomosity to it, too. It has helped, and I'm sorry when it presents a problem to regular users. It's the nature of the internet that we need things like this.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
no worries from me.
As soon as I reduced the amount of text I was attempting to post in the PM, the captcha vanished and I got my PM accomplished. If this is the price we gotta pay to keep Top Shelf secured, I'm in favor of it. Thanks Erin.
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.