Happy Birthday to my bestest friend and favorite Vixen, Randalynn!!!
I won't divulge Milady's age, but will tell you she is dealing with a possible kidney stone :(
So let's all PLEASE make her feel extra loved this birthday
Love Frank
P.S. Read: No Obligation
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday Randa! You're awesome, so it had better be awesome!
Abigail Drew.
Happy Birthday Randa!
Here's hoping you have a good one today.
Happy birthday, My Dear Friend,
Joy of the day and continue to be the special person you are for another year.
Your friend,
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Happy Birthday
I hope you have a great birthday!
- Terry
Happy Birthday Randalynn!
Hope you have a wonderful day and Feel better soon! Hugs, Taarpa
Here is to many more
Here's to many more birthdays that you are able to celebrate with your friends and Family (including your BC family).
Have an AWESOME day!
WHAT? Her supreme evilness... OH, it's no longer August...
He Supreme Evilness AKA my Evil Blond Sister turned 52 on the same day Milley Cyrus's dad turned 52.
Thank the gods/goddesses Randa is NOT a late August baby.
So, Randa, did your family do anything special?
Cake? Take you out to a fancy restaurant?
A new Porsche?
I mean, cummon... every babe deserves a Porsche. Preferably a convertible... hair flying in the breeze all wild, free and sexy.
Thought if *I* had a convertible ...with MY hair... it would be mostly my ears flapping in the breeze.So? I'm naturally areodynamic.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Happy Birthday !
Hear, hear, I tell you. Milady is it? Jolly good then, and I offer you a properly done genuflect!
Salaam, and may the stones come rolling out! :)
Thanks, everyone!
I'm sitting in the ER right now trying to get a diagnosis that makes sense, but your good wishes make this birthday a lot nicer than it could have been.
Thank you, Frank, for reminding me I'm part of another family who cares about me. *smile*
Much love for everyone at BCTS!
Happy birthday, and my
Happy birthday, and my sincerest hopes that it is NOT a kidney stone. Having had a few, i know thet aren't fun. Med of choice for pain of a stone is toridol. Hydrocodone doesn't work nearly as well.
Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein
Randalynn is one of my favorites, both as an author and as a person.
Happy Birthday!
I hope the stone passes fast. I have it on good authority they are amongst the most painful things you can go through.
They are. I've done 5 so far
They are.
I've done 5 so far - biggest is 16 mm. A nurse told me that if she had a choice, she'd have triplets without an epidural before she had another kidney stone!
Lots of rest. Warmth on the back sometimes helps. If they offer to 'fetch' it, go for it if you have medical insurance. It beats prolonged suffering!
Get well soon. Very soon!
Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein
Still waiting on the CT scan results ...
... but the blood work came back perfectly fine. When I did the CT scan, just raising my arms over my head and holding them there was excruciating, and pain meds didn't arrive until after the scans were done. *sigh* I just want to know what this is and get it cured. A week of pain like this is way too much.
Thanks for staying with me, folks. *smile*
It's my UN-birthday...
...and Randa's birth is the nicest present I could ever hope for. Love you, my dear!
Love, Andrea Lena
Love you too, dear one
Sisters, always! *soft hugs*
Happy Birthday
to one of both my most favorite writers, but one of the very first to comment on my stuff!
Many Happy Returns Randa.
However, from what Frank said, you took "getting stoned" the wrong way. I hope you can get that problem fixed quickly and painlessly. In any event, Carpe Cakem, hon and Happy Birthday to one of the best.
Hugs and love,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Every test shows me as normal ...
... which has always been untrue, in every sense of the word. *smiles* The ER doctor says shingles, even though there is no rash, so I'm about to start anti-viral meds to see if that's true. I'm at the pharmacy now, and the nice young pharmacist is staying late to fill my prescriptions.
It's nice to still be pretty at my advanced age. *grin*
Thanks again, everyone! I love this place, and the family I've found here.
Much love,
....another lovely viral expression we could all do without. Mrs. D. and two of her sisters have experienced shingles without a rash. It's not common but certainly not heard of either. AND it comes from the same root virus where you get chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia; all from a compromised immune system. Much love to you!
Love, Andrea Lena
Shingles is the Chicken Pox virus. It is responsible for Fibro and chronic fatigue also? I didn't know that.
The Herpes family...
...HHV-6, a strain of the herpes virus, is thought to be the source of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and related to fibromyalgia. It has been connected to MS as well. Herpes Zoster, the root cause of Shingles and Chicken Pox is part of the same damned family. Like my immune system is the Hatfields and Herpes is the McCoys? Anyway, I haven't had Shingles yet, but both Mrs. D and I deal with Hishimoto's Thyroid and CFS and Fibro.... Folks with a compromised immune system are at risk for HHV-6, which both I and my wife have. Add in Epstein-Barr (Brian Epstein's bastard child with Rosanne Barr?) and it's just one fun filled day after another.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_herpesvirus_6 It says here that humans are the primary hosts of the herpes-related viruses. And here I didn't even know we were throwing a party.
P.S. I see the kitty is getting ready for the upcoming season and maybe rooting for the Pirates?
Love, Andrea Lena
Well Randalynn does already have Fibro so I guess it makes sense sadly. Whatta way to spend your birthday. Then again on my 35th birthday I had a test where they were checking out my Lumbar disks. Filling each one with fluid to see if they leaked and how much. Aside from multiple herniations that caused me pain, leaking disks also was a major cause. So by adding fluid to each one to test it caused whatever pain they were inflicting to inflict that much more.
November 22, 2000. My 35th birthday and one week after the last day I was able to work. **sigh** I made myself sad :(
Here's hoping Randalynn will be cured sooner and relieved of the pain :)
Just to be clear here
There's evidence that CPV (varicella-zoster) is responsible for SOME cases of chronic fatigue and possibly fibromyalgia, but those are syndromes, not diseases and there are other possible causes; a double handful of mild-to-serious viruses are commonly named as suspects coupled with disruptions in immune response.
Shingles is no fun, BTW, even without the rash.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
David Letterman
When he got shingles, it manifested behind one of his eyes...
Happy Birthday, Randalynn. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
If you have shingles
Fix the roof! (Bar-rump, ting!) Okay I'm going, no need to push.
Oh, Happy Birthday, Randalynn!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
happy birthday
I hope you get something you want, and a return to full health.