I'm hoping someone can help me out with a data problem.
When I went on holiday last month I wrote a journal using an app on my Android phone which was saved in windoze format. Problem is that I can't open the file now - well not strictly true, when it opens its in gibberish if at all. I'm pretty sure the file isn't corrupt but with my limited knowledge I can't find a way of getting it to open properly.The programme I use is called Office Suite pro. I'd really like to retrieve it as it is supposed to form the core of my travelogue of my trip and its got some info that I can't retrieve from elsewhere included in it.
Does anyone have any ideas, its nothing secret so I could send a copy of the file (its only 80kb) to anyone who thinks they can crack it.
corrupt doc formats
sometimes another office suite can open them; such as libreoffice or openoffice...
alternately there are online sites where you can upload your file and it attempts to fix it for you.
This site offers some suggestions:
I have used some of these methods in the past with varying success; no guarantees I'm afraid.
I can have a go if you like; pm me for an email address
what format did you save it as?
an old style .doc word file you should be able to load into a text editor and find everything you wrote in amongst the mess.
if it was .docx then it's really a ZIP file. The give-away is the first 2 letters will be PK. If it wont load, you could try changing the extension to ZIP and see if you can access the document XML file within the zip, again there should be plain text in amongst the XML formatting data
Hmmm. If you are using the an
If you are using the an update of the Android app "Quickoffice"... It defaults to saving things as "docx" rather than "doc"... That's the "new" file format from M$... If you can't open a docx file with your word processor, a friend with a newer (I think it's Office 2007 or later) can open it and re-save it in a format you can read.
But, that'd be my first thought. Second thought is find the website for the app - and see if they've a forum. (Your format could be "Open Office". If so, M$ Word can be made to open these, but I think you have to re-install to include the option to open that kind of document - default being not to, since Open Office is an open source competitor... and M$ so loves competition)...
Finally, perhaps a friend can find another way to extract the info from your file (if you share the file with them). For example, I had a mucked up file a few years ago, but I was able to open it in a "programmers" editor, and find the text. I lost all my formatting, but the text was still there. I've not tried this with Notepad++ but it might even do the job. (& it's free).
Best of luck,
Open Office is a free download as well
You can download Open Office for free. Open Office has the ability to save as doc and docx.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann