If anyone commented on my stories and I did not reply I want to apologize. Without boring anyone with my problems I will only say I was in a dark place for a few weeks and slipped up on replying. Now I do not know who I have responded to and who I have not.
If I did skip thanking you for commenting please know I apologize greatly. You words of encouragement mean the world to me and I was not ignoring anyone intentionally. I beg your forgiveness.
Thank you,
No problem
I will forgive you for being human! Take care of yourself and try not to worry about what you can't control. If you missed sending one to me then know that there was no harm done. I can't wait to read your next story.
Thank you
I keep trying to be superhuman but failing miserably ;) I really appreciate it and am over half way done with my next one so the wait should not be too long.
You're welcome
Take care and know that you have friends and Family here at BC that care about you.
hope all is well
I hope everything is better now. I know i appreciate it when an author thanks me personally for a comment. You are a great writer and i really enjoy your stories.
It is getting there
I really am sorry for not responding and I appreciate your words of support.
Thanks and hugs
Don't feel bad
about not responding. Just let us know what is going on so we don't worry about you. :)
I'm not one
to burden others with my problems so it's difficult to tell people what is going on. I have a horrid habit of shutting down and shutting everyone out. I need to work on that.
Hugs back atcha ;)
Didn't see anything bad when
Didn't see anything bad when you replied to me Stef so no worries on my part... :-)
Thanks Gery :)
Don't worry girl
Don't worry girl, sometimes real life just gets in the way. been there, felt that, bought the panties.
Thanks Bevs