I just found out a few hours ago Aunt Holly died. Even though I knew her health had been getting worse, I had been hoping somehow she'd pull through. I guess, sometimes, just wishing with all your heart don't always work.
Some part of me just wants to cry, but I can't. All I can feel is numbness right now. And emptiness. The world feels emptier without Aunt Holly in it.
Another passing...
Holly was many things to many people. She will be sorely missed.
Ya know, I think my grandparents and my hubby's parents and now I guess my own have tried to prepare me for that time in your life when you you start losing friends. I think maybe all of us who have been there maybe try to help those who are maybe younger or who haven't lost as many or as much...
It never helps... it is just as sharp, just as numbingly blindingly painful as the first time ever...
RIP Holly Hart
Your memory will ride in many souls.
dona ei pacem Domine
Holly was my editor and my friend for nearly 10 years. I helped move Holly to Indiana a bit over two years ago. I count that time among my dearest memories.
Truly, we have lost a great and gentle soul.
Lord grant her peace,
With Love, and Blessings,
Thank you!
Thank you both for commenting on my blog post. The reality of what happened is just starting to sink in this morning. It's been a rough morning. Still, seeing how special Aunt Holly was to so many people helps a bit.
I will make it Three
You may have only received two replies to you blog, I will make it three, but when the news did it, many people were truly saddened by the news and memorialized Holly Happy Hart. I am aslo sure that many others contacted Shelly (Shalimar) by PM extending their condolences.