Movie "Stardust"

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I would not normally recommend a movie on this site , and believe me, this is not an advertising pitch, but I just saw the most wonderful film on a plane. The title is 'Stardust' and it really is a magical movie which includes TG/TV sequences (Robert De Niro as a TV pirate!) and it is one of the nicest films I have seen in a long time, but then I'm a silly sentimental old romantic.


Not so!

JoanneBarbarella you aren't the only one who enjoyed Stardust. Robert De Niro obviously had a great time in his role as did Michelle Pfeiffer. The TG/TV scenes were funny. There are loads of comedic characters in this one. I loved 'Billy' played by Mark Williams. If you enjoy magical fantasies you'll love this one.

Here we go again

When I were a lad (awful northern English accent), Stardust was a film with Adam Faith and David Essex.

Now over the last few days, whole loads of people here have been arguing over story titles and not treading on another's toes. Today, here we are discussing a film that has clearly pinched its name from someone else's film...

Talk about ironic!

Except with movies

The way titles are done is a set process. If it shares a name with a prior movie, whether a remake or entirely different movie, it is denoted by following that title with a year. If you look up the recent Stardust, you will find the year of release behind it in any reputable database.

The general exception to the above policy, and not always, is the original.

As for the movie under discussion... I rented it thinking, "Meh. I like fantasy, this didn't look too bad," but... WOW!

This movie is the first "new" fairytale type story in a long time. Wonderfully written and directed, with elements of everything I love -- including my first genre love... SteamPunk! DeNiro is more than just a TV pirate. He's the most feared Air Captain that exists, whose stock in trade isn't piracy, it's bottled lightning. He's more a privateer than a pirate.


I LOVED that movie! Robert De Niro was the drag queen pirate it was so kewl!!!!!!!! I loved it, and that poor poor boy who got turned into a goat and then a girl. Poor poor Bernard T_T


    I just got to be me :D


I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D