It meant a lot to me. I was thrilled to hear from both new friends and old. I've replied to everyone and will continue to do so.
Notably missing were some of my earliest and, I thought, closest friends, but I prefer to think that they missed the blogs than that they have tired of me or that I have deeply offended them.
Hey, I'm a glass half full person! Oh well there's still e-mail and PMs. And I know I put them through a lot last fall with family health issues followed by a near physical collapse of my own.
I just want to tell you I love you all! All my friends old and new and whether you wrote or not: I love you and God bless you.
Your friend ALWAYS,
Happy Birthday (A Bit Late)
I've been very busy and sick the past few days, and sometimes I miss a few of the blogs, since the number of blogs in the column are limited. Happy Birthday, and many more, my friend! *hugs tight*
Thanks, Randa,
Busy is good, but I hope you're feeling better. I worry about my friends and am doubly concerned when I don't hear from them for a while. I'm having a wonderful birthday week, and have shaken last spring's 'black dog': Had him put down! And am back to having fun living each day.
I pray you're feeling better,
Your friend,
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Happy Belated Birthday
I never checked on your age before so I did not know we had such classic person gracing our board. I will reach my mear 60th this comming April and I enjoy finding some one else at these lofty altitudes of experience.
Bailey' missbehaving feary.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Hi, Misha,
How's my favorite sexy blue girl and hvid ulv friend? I hope you're enjoying life now and will continue at 60. For my part, I'm sure 80 will be lots of fun. Life is what we make it and I'm just having fun every day.
Your wolf friend,
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Guess I must have missed out on the birthday wishes.
Well, happy belated birthday. I hope it was a good one.
Have delightfully devious day,
Hi, D.A.W.,
Thanks for the good wishes...
Heck, yes, It's a good one: It's a GREAT ONE!!! It's been going on since Tuesday and I think there's another event planned for today (Sunday). It will probably be another afternoon of swimming and another great meal, but that's enough to make me happy. It's been an unbelievably fantastic week! Makes me look forward to 75, 80, 85 and on up. No one could ask for better!
If you get a chance, read Andrea's blog and my 2 replies. You know what a class act she is, always finding the most creative way to do things...
Thanks again, you have no idea how much I appreciate it.
Your friend,
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!