I have started a new series called Point Of View. In my new series, the character will give their thoughts on events and other characters within the story.
I always will seek permission from any author t Big Closet before trying to use their stories or characters in my series. I am therefore asking all authors to read my series and decide whether or not you wish for me to delve into your series.
May Your Light Forever Shine
You have my permission to write an answer to First Kisses At Midnight from Lisa's point of view. It's one where I deliberately left the other half of the story out, so you can make it either a sweet romance or a creepy thriller depending on your mood. And I'm not planning on revisiting those characters so I wouldn't argue about anything you wrote being "official" or not.
Is there a reason why you prefer to work with someone else's characters instead of your own creations?
Many writers just starting to exercise their writing muscles use established characters. I use to write Wonder Woman, Captain America, Little Lulu and Donald Duck stories when I was a teenager. It's kind of like training wheels. :) The question is not really about writing this stuff, it's about posting it.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
That makes sense
The more I thought about it, the more examples I could come up with of truly brilliant works that writers have done with other people's characters, like Wicked.
Some may be more accomodating but my people are precious and to a large degree part of me. Not everyone will appreciate the why's and wherefores but it would take a good deal of persuading before I would willingly allow someone else in like that. I have a whole world they inhabit in my mind and it would be very hard for someone else to meet. Of course the reader has their own mental picture which will differ and that's as should be, part of the deal.
Now I suppose I couldn't stop someone from doing it, but it's unlikely I'd be happy about it. I have done it(opened a story) once and almost no one was interested. It's a very tough ask. Hell maybe they'd be better and I'd sulk.
I can I suppose see the desire to explore tendrils that are untended by the author and influence is totally natural. But I have to ask why? Why do you feel the need to visit others creations rather than take an idea and create your own world? Flattery or derivation? Shrug...depends how you see things. Not my cup of. I would rather any aspiring author take an idea and make it theirs rather than tag on to some one elses. Perhaps others disagree, it seems so. But...
David Bowie once said that writing songs and making music changed the ownership.
What he went on to say was that people focus on his songs and make them their own. This of course puts their own slant on things that he may or may not have meant.
Writing stories is the same.
Having picked up one of Kris's stories and written a part 2 and felt it followed in the same feel, genre and style, Kris had to be very patient because it didn't necessarily follow the way she wanted it to.
I would be loath to let any of my characters to be used by someone else. I'm having enough trouble getting my head around the idea of editing, but that's another story (pardon the pun).
Once the story is out there, the interpretation of said story is down to the individual reading, but the characters are cast in stone by the author and what they actually feel, think or anything else, is still down to that author - I think.
I know this is probably contentious, but that's the way I feel.
You may NOT:
1.) use my lipstick, or any other cosmetics,
2.) got through my drawers and closet to see if anything interesting fits you,
3.) taste the food on my plate,
4.) use my hottub or pool without showering first, or
5.) usurp any of my characters as that is what copyright laws are all about.
Don't -- just don't.
Please do not whine or contact me about this, as I do not want to hear from you at any time.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
No you may not do that to me either.
What Jill said.
You are not getting into my drawers,
Interesting Idea though. I think if
you take a slightly different approach,
and work with an author, to explore
one of the characters more, then that
might be fun - as a cooperative endevor.
Of course, as a critic, in the acedemic
sense, you obviously have free reigne to
explore the meanings of the actions that
the authors have already given to their
characters. I shudder to think of what
might be said of some of mine, but I can
tell you it's been done before, and I've
obviously survived.
Scardy Lynn Morgan
Same here
Stay away from my characters, my stories, and anything that is my Intellectual Property or joint IP with anyone (such as the illustrations Heather Rose Brown does for Sk8r Grrls).
Also... there's already a series called Point of View on TopShelf that was really rather nicely done. You may want to consider renaming it to "Another View" or such to avoid confusion.
Using other's characters
I think it is clear at this point that before posting in another's story world, you need to have permission. As I recall, a year or two back somebody had to remove a story or stories becaused they'd used the Bikini Beach universe without permission. I may be wrong about which one it was 'cause that happened right about the time I joined here. Obviously, if what you write never sees the light of day then there isn't a problem. But if you think there is any chance you might want to post your efforts then clear it first.
As for the title thing Edeyn, when MarieC came out with her story "Twins", I was told that even though my stories titled "Twins" predated hers that you can't copyright story titles, so she could go ahead and use it if she wanted. A friend suggested an alternate title which would have reduced the confusion factor but she declined. I wasn't happy about it but there was nothing I could do.
For now, there are only two people who would be allowed to play in my stories, and they probably know who they are. If you even think you might have to ask, the likely answer is no.
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin
"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin
Story names
I wrote a story called A Fresh start.
It's done quite well, but not nearly as well as it's namesake. Anyway, no-one said anything or has since and it wasn't until I saw Fresh Start 2 on Stardust that I wondered "has someone pinched my idea?" I was happy to find that no, this story wasn't anything to do with my characters at all.
I didn't name my story after reading Julie O's story although mine was published on this site some months after she posted hers. I didn't even know Julie's existed, but as I said, no-one has complained.
I will however make sure that any future stories I write don't have the same name as someone else's.
I wasn't saying that he had to
change the name, just a suggestion to reduce confusion.
Bikini Beach and Ovid
Bikini Beach is a semi-open universe. Five years ago or so Elrod was unhappy with some of the stories that were being written, so he first closed BB, but then re-opened it. All stories must be funneled through Ellie Dauber now for approval.
The Professor created a universe named Ovid. Ovid is a closed universe, The Professor not allowing other authors to write in it.
I do have The Professor's permission to borrow Officer Mercer for a cameo if I ever finish that second spoof of all things FM. Dying is easy, comedy is hard someone said long ago.
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant
I really don't remember which story or stories it was, this occurred just before I joined BC roughly two years ago, I just remember reading the tailend of the comments about why certain stories disppeared. Since I never saw the stories in question, I don't have a good idea of what the infringment was. But I learned right away that it would be best to get an author's permission before spending much time and effort on a story. This is what I did with Paula D.'s Drawn Together story world (or is it a Universe now, I dunno). I roughed out my idea and sent to her asking permission to write the story, then when it was done I sent it back to her for final apporval before posting. She was a sweetheart to work with, didn't joggle my elbow and seemed pleased with the final result.
The idea of determing whether a story arc is big enough to be called a universe reminded me of a joke quiz sent aroung some years back. One of the questions was: Define the Universe, give three examples; be clear and concise.
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin
"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin
If you want to...
You can go into my stories, if you like.
I'd be interested to see what you'd pull out.
My stories and characters are off limits
Thank You
You're welcome
If any of my characters interest you, you're welcome.
Thanks for all your nice comments too.
After that little you-know-what you pulled yesterday, afraid not.
(nevermind what I mean by that people, let it rest.)
Oh....... but any other author here may, with prior permission.
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
let it rest
After that little you-know-what you pulled yesterday, afraid not.
(nevermind what I mean by that people, let it rest.)
If you don't want to pursue the matter, why post in the first place ?
Although I am not an author
Although I am not an author I can see everyones point of view on this. I agree that you should never post anything that pertains to another author's "universe" if you want to mess around with something for your own personal experience it MIGHT be okay as long as it is for your own use, and not spread around. However I would not even do this (if I could write) as accidents happen and it might end up geting back to the original author and cause more trouble than it is worth.
A good case in point is JulieO, in her Coeds and Coeds2, using Jen Stevens, with Bob Arnold's permission, but she is not tampering with the actual character in any way just using it as a friendship and assistance. Some authors might agree to something like this more than trying to rewright what they have already done and if it was well written by the original author I would not read it anyway.
The only possible way to really take over a character is if the original author is no longer around and you find the story is well written enough to follow up on such as Tigger following up on Seasons Of Change originally written by Joel Lawrence.
My fellow Authors, a revolt isn't needed.
Friends, friends, please ... relax. Stan isn't trying to invade or belittle anyones work. Just to look at things from a different point of view and creat a fanfic or four.
How many authors are writing fanfics for different universes? How many are writing stories in Maddy Bell's universe, or in the Whateley Academy or Morfes universe? (I think I miss spelled that, sorry). What about Men in Black Dresses or Spells R Us? None of these fanfic authors were attacked for desiring to flatter the original authors by seeking permission to work in those universes. Stan isn't doing anything different, asking permission to work within the arena that someone else has created.
If anyone recalls, the first item posted here with my name on it was a fanfic, an epilogue to Angel O'Hare's A Life Ever Changing. It was something I wrote and sent to her, for her. I was shocked that Angel posted it. Even more shocked that people read it, of course, no one commented on it except for Angel, but that's life. When I started writing Raised in SLC it wasn't with the intent of creating a school in the US along the same line as Karen Page's Hayfield Hall, it evolved into that and yes I had Karen's permission to do so.
So I guess the question you have to ask your self's is; Do I want someone writing a fanfic about one of my stories?
A simple yes or no is all that's needed.
As for myself, I'd be flattered if someone wrote a story from another point of view based on Raised in SLC, that is from the point of view of Karen - Matilda's older sister, or Charles her older brother. Oh wait, that might not be good, it might look too much like Heather Rose Brown's story Brianna's Big Brother. How about from the point of view of one of Matilda's classmates, that could be interesting, especially when Matilda comes back to take care of Bart, (sorry no more details there).
Anyway, my point is simple, don't look at Stan's offer as an attack because it isn't. If you don't want him to work with you characters, that's fine, they're your characters. If that's the case, you really don't even need to respond. He's asking who would be willing to let him work with their characters, not who does not.
So lets sit back and relax, enjoy the day before you with expectation for a better tomorrow, because yesterday is never comming back.
To arms!
Heh. No, I'm not saying that he's trying to do something bad, but just the same, my stuff is my stuff and I'm not willing to share yet. I may let folks do fanfic sometime, but not as of now. As for the fanfics written in MORFs, Whateley, and Gabiverse -- there's been blanket permission granted for use of those universes.
I have no issue with fanfic, in fact I've written some in my time. Fanfic, however should be used only with either permission or public domain stuff.
I wrote a letter to Robert Jordan asking permission before I wrote The Violet Ajah, and he responded with the same letter with rules that he sent to the MUSHes that wanted to use his universe. I think I still have that email somewhere...
Hmmmm. Matilda comes back...
... I thought they weren't allowed to... But then, Matilda seems to think she's an exception to so many rules... Anything she didn't explicitly agree to is fair game to her...
Looking forward to more.
Do with me as you will. : )
Gwen Brown
What Censorship?
I do not see any censorship going on here Gwen. If anyone cares to read BC's EULA consisting of http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/forums/just-faqs and the instructions with tips located on each posting step a user can use to post with you will see what is allowed and what isnt. I take action on those that violate the site rules, though not unduly nor am I rash in doing so. I do not like losing anyone. We have lost only 1 author since I have been running the site and it was not related to anything that occurred on BC. The site rules includes the removal of any material directly attacking another user or author. That is not tolerated at any time. Outside of that, please tell me what has been censored. I do not think you will find anyone's comments, blog, or story, positive or negative removed that have not violated the site rules. Those rules are in place to keep the site civil and usable by all.
BigCloset TopShelf
You may right what you want based on Hell Yeah it Hurt, but in return I have your permission to right a story using Stanman 63 as a character should you choose to.If you do a good job your light will forever shine do a bad job and let's just say naughty boy's need punished!Lol Amy
My characters and storylines are off limits.
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant
I concur with most here.
My stories and characters are off limits without my express permission, which I do not give to you.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.