Reflections on naming Jewish daughters and Femdom

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Didn't you just love Courtney?

Forget the issue of what kind of Jewish parents give a daughter such a goyishe (Hebrew for gentile; literally meaning “nation,” but signifying non-Jew and often carrying a pejorative connotation when Jews carry out all those secret rituals y’all are so worried about) name like Courtney. I know that Sara, Rebecca and Leah, three of the four matriarchs — the fourth being Rebecca - were already taken in this story, but really, Courtney?

Anyway, don't you just wish you had a sister who was so open and accepting, and willing to go with the flow? And don't you just wish you could share a dressing room with her while you both try on expensive lingerie?

Forget it. She's my sister, not yours. Okay, she's not mine either, but this is fiction, after all.

And what about Leah? While it's certainly true that really observant (orthodox) Jews (which she really isn’t) don't accept either homosexuality or anything TG (just like their really observant Christian and Muslim counterparts), you have to wonder why someone as modern and accomplished as Leah would be so rigid. Don’t you just thing that there has to be something more to it? Maybe it's something about a first child who's a daughter being displaced in her parents affections by a second who's a son. How could she ever compete with him? And now he has the audacity to change genders and compete yet again, but this time as a woman! Who wouldn't be angry? Or maybe. . .

And finally, the whole femdom thing seems to have at last been laid to rest. I find it amazing, and I guess somewhat demoralizing, that so many readers are so conditioned to think that something bad has to happen next in a relationship between a man and a woman once they appear in a TG fiction story that you're willing to read the worst into the simplest descriptions of what's going on.

I know, we covered some of this ground before, but it seems to me some readers have a hard time telling the difference between two people (in this case two married people, who are always carrying on negotiations, which you would know if you’ve ever been married for more than about two weeks) being assertive in trying to get what they need, on the one hand, and cynical manipulation so powerful that one can't resist on the other.

I mean really, who has ever experienced that in real life? And since no one has, why does everyone seem to expect it in TG stories?

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