Just checked my account and found that I've been a member of BC for seven years twenty one hours. My how time flies when you're having fun. I'm trying to think of all that's happened in those seven years, and how many stories I've posted? I think the thing that amazes me the most is that I'm still alive and kicking. Had a valve replacement three years ago and a defibulator implanted two years ago, which has saved my life twice that I know of. I'm still self employed as a glazing contractor for those that didn't know and still writing stories when I have time. Life's been good to me and I have no real complaints and realized a long time ago that the bad things that have happened to me were my own fault to start with. My kness are failing, but I attribute that to twenty five years of racing off road motorcycles, so it is what it is. I am saddened by the loss of so many friends here and in my life that will never be here to share a laugh or tears again, and to friends who are going through difficult times I can't fix for them, but you know I love and pray for you. As the saying goes, at my age, any day above ground is a good day, love to all, Arecee
Congrats on the seven years, here's hoping for seven more :)
Me too
The alternative plain sucks
Seven years
a bit longer than I've been here. May your defibrillator never fail nor your muse so we can have loads more of your enjoyable tales for another seven years.
Presumably, if you do glazing your OS is Windows - okay, I'll get my coat.
Happy anniversary,
The reason I use Apple is that I'm tired of windows all day long, Arecee
Four and a third for me
I could write a lot of words about acceptance and similar stuff, but all I will add is "Nice 'ere, innit?"
Congrads on your longevity here at BC
Seven years 21 hours is a long time, Arecee.
I've only been here... now what does my account profile say
Member for 8 years 5 days
I think I'll have a nice lie down.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Okay fess up somebody has been here longer than me. Erin, almost certainly as it is her site but eight freaking years?
P.P.S. Congrads Arecee.
John in Wauwatosa
And I thought?
I was here for a long time, I guess I should have known from the beard, Arecee
here is to many more years hon
I hope
Thanks Dorothy
Wow - Congratulations!
*Hugs* and congrats on your time here at BC.
I love your stories and have read almost all of them! (I'll get around to commenting on them some day - I get things en masse and read them on my kindle) Thank you so much for the stories and I hope you have many more years to share them with me and the many other people who no doubt love them.
Can't go just yet
I've got too many stories to tell just yet, Arecee
Holy amazing...
I am not sure how long I have read your stories; it's been longer than I've been with BC. But here I got to PM with you and have enjoyed visits and knowing you a bit more. You are one I came to know another side of and cared about when you were not feeling well or needed to take time for yourself.
A humble reminder we can care for another; yet appreciate that there is so much more to who you are.
Hugs, JessieC ^_^
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors